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Is The church For Christians?
Did Jesus create the church so we could gather away from the world and be protected or did he create it as a force to spread the Gospel? There are very differing views of this but I want to challenge you on a few things.
What’s With The Red Balloons?
Everybody loves a party. Even Jesus does. And according to Luke Chapter 15, heaven loves throwing a party for people who decide to follow Jesus. What’s a party without balloons?
Free Resource: Pillars of the Prevailing Church Webinar
What does a prevailing church in Canada look like? What do they do?
The Church Has Left The Building
In the matter of 4 years we've seen thousands healed and thousands saved as a result of normalizing healing, walking out a lifestyle of Christianity 24/7. How?
Planning For Fall
I hate to say it but Fall is coming. Besides the Pumpkin Spice lattes and leaves turning cooler, this is also a great opportunity for growth in the church.
5 Systems That Need Your Attention
Here are 5 systems that you need to develop if you want to grow.
8 Ways To Reach Out Into Your Community This Fall
When you reach out into the community, you are letting the community know that you are here and that you’re here to serve. Here are 8 ways to reach into your community this fall.
The Benefits of Coaching
A few years ago, the whole idea of church coaching and consulting wasn’t too widely known. Now it seems like every where you look there are options for church coaching, consulting, assessments and more.
Leading Change Part 3
One of the best resources we relied on, next to the Bible, was John P. Kotter’s book Leading Change. We suited his change process to our own needs and followed these eight steps.
Leading Change Part 2
I discovered that pastors are not leaders just because they are a pastor or the chairman of the Board. Leaders are leaders.
Leading Change Part 1
Change should be the one constant in your church and ministry. Pastors are in the business of change.
The Quality of Being Teachable
In growing churches, one leadership quality that appears time and time again is teachability.
Helping People Invite
We know that about 90% of people come to church because they were personally invited. Recently, we learned that about 85% of congregation members have no intention of inviting anyone to church but they would like to.
4 Low Cost & Low Volunteer Ways To Engage Your Community This Summer
Summer is a great opportunity to get outside and meet your neighbours. As a church, it is a great opportunity to engage with your community.
Acts Prompted By Your Faith
At times, God intends not to advance the kingdom by a direct order impressed on our knower. There are times for a mature leader, schooled in the New Testament Pattern, when there is something that needs doing, something that ‘is not yet but could be’ and God lets us coalesce the passion to chase it as a result of our faith aspiration.