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With > For
How do I best disciple the people around me? Team leadership is the best leadership.
Those Who Raise Us Up
Is there a place I can find trustworthy support for the call of God in my life? We increase the opportunity for success by surrounding ourselves with those who raise us up.
Transforming Teenagers into Leaders
It's exciting to think about the untapped potential in the lives of our young people. We are given this opportunity to develop these lives and watch God do incredible things in and through them!
5 Tips to Helping Tweens Move Up to Youth Ministry
Grade 6's moving into a group of older teens can feel uncertain and need to find acceptance. Here are five tips to help tweens happily find their place.
Building Great (Young) Teams
Gary Taitinger recently shared with our NextGen Cohorts on including younger leaders in all levels of decision-making. This is challenging and time-consuming but the payoff is more than worth it!
3 Ways To Engage Parents as a Youth Leader
Parents can sometimes be seen as adversaries in youth ministry, but the fact is they need to be our teammates. This article explores 3 ways that you can help bring parents alongside you in your mission and vision for their children in your youth ministry during Covid-19 and beyond
Thinking Outside The Box
What if you rallied your teens to The Great Commission, and the truth that Jesus doesn’t want them to just huddle up indoors, but He wants to use them to reach their friends?
3 Keys To Creating An Effective Assimilation Strategy For YM
For years, I strategized how to get more and more teens onsite with big events and incentives.
But it wasn’t until years later after lots of frustration and low retention rates that I discovered some keys to getting students to not just show up on a youth night, but to stick.
Plugged In
It’s not enough to just graduate students with faith intact. Our job has to be to set students up for a life of vibrant and thriving faith.
So how do we do this, and how do we not lose our teens when they enter Emerging Adulthood?
4 Keys To Communicate To Teens More Effectively
How we communicate God’s Word is so important to whether a teen understands it and sees it as applying to them right here and right now, or whether they see it as an outdated religion that has no bearing on their life.
From Message To Movement
It’s what you want every message to have isn’t it?
To get teens to take what we talk about on a youth night beyond the four walls of the church and walk with it.
Power For Purpose
According to Acts 1:8, being filled with God’s Spirit is about so much more than an experience in a room, or a checkbox on a list. It’s about Power for Purpose. More specifically, power to accomplish God’s purpose.
Why Missions?
When we organize missions trips, we give teens an opportunity to see what it feels like to put your hands to the plow. It takes them beyond the teaching component, beyond the four walls of a church and into the world, where people need Jesus.
10 Ways Your Students Can Serve
Rallying your students to serve others is such a great way to show them what it means to live out your faith beyond the four walls of a church. Not only that, but it’s a great way to call Gen Z to be a part of the solution that they are craving to be in the world.
5 Steps To Developing A Student Leadership Team
We so desperately need to build a youth ministry that goes beyond ourselves. We are called to make disciples who make disciples. It can’t end with us, or with them. The day of spoon-feeding is over, now it’s time to rally your students and develop them to lead in your youth ministry. It’s time to develop Student Leaders.
Engaging The Next Generation
I believe your greatest potential for qualitative and quantitative growth in your youth ministry, won’t be found in your next best sermon series, or your next biggest event, or in the charisma you feel you bring or don’t bring as a leader.
I believe a huge part of it will be found in how you are engaging the Next Generation. Are you calling them into the game to help move the puck down the ice? Or are they watching, disengaged in the stands?
6 Keys To Leading An Effective Youth Leader's Meeting
We’ve all been there right? Those meetings we’ve been called into, but we have no idea why we are there. It feels so pointless.
Here are six keys I’ve found helpful in leading effective youth leader’s meetings…