Small Groups Bob Jones Small Groups Bob Jones

You’ll Get Through This

What would be a practical small group study that would connect with people unfamiliar with the Bible? Are you planning on doing a small group study, a message series, or both this coming year? Consider You’ll Get Through This as your choice. The study will bring life to your congregation. They will have extra reason to invite unchurched friends and family to attend church. You will find that the content will enrich your soul.

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7 Things Every Organization Must Have

Is your church stuck? Do you find yourself in the tension of organizational structure and relational equity? Once you decide to focus on these seven things, you can begin to work and develop them as you go forward. The blend of organization and organism embedded in each of these areas will keep you growing in numbers while also growing in depth of relationship and commitment to Christ.

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Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones

The Secret of Medium-Sized Communities

Medium-Sized Communities (MSC) are where you belong before you believe. They are safe step before a person chooses to become a part of a small group. MSCs are an environment where the unengaged get engaged in biblical community, the lost come to know Jesus, leaders are developed, lives are restored, care and prayer happens both in and outside of the groups, and both introverts and extroverts find community. It’s the “one anothers” being lived out.

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Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones

Creating a Discipleship Pathway

A “Discipleship pathway” is the intentional route, steps, and paths in your church to develop missionary disciples for Kingdom impact. It is the engine for the effectiveness of your mission. The goal for a discipleship pathway is never to get someone through it; the goal is to get individuals to own it. As long as the church owns the pathway, the only possible response for an individual is consumption. When something is ours, a shift happens inside of us, and we tend to approach it in a fundamentally different way.

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Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones

Accountability: The Secret Sauce of Discipleship

Our world desperately needs disciples who not only call themselves Christians, but who reflect Jesus. The accountability factor is what takes a micro-shift from the individual level to the church-wide level and where you can begin seeing discipleship as a system from a thirty-thousand-foot level. When a micro-shift is made at this level, your church will embark on a new trajectory to both spiritual and numerical growth.

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Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones

Starbucks, Micro-Shifts and Discipleship

25 years ago Starbucks made a shift. If Starbucks had only focused on the what, without making an intentional shift to the where and when, they would not have experienced the widespread success that they have. After all, people do not just go to Starbucks for the coffee; they also go to relax, read, work, and have conversations. This micro-shift led to a macro-change in the coffee-drinking culture. What if you could make a similar micro-shift as a church leader that would result in a macro-change in your disciple making culture? What if this micro-shift would set your church on a trajectory to both spiritual and numerical growth? Would you consider it?

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The Connection Funnel

The average person has no idea what next steps to take to connect into this congregation and what the destination (being a part of the church) might look like. It’s up to us as leaders to create clear and obvious next steps for them.

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7 Realizations The Pandemic Gave the Church

It’s never fun to realize that there were things that you thought were working, actually weren’t working. The recent pandemic exposed weaknesses and brought out realizations amongst churches and church leaders all over the world.

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5 Things To Remember When Leading Online Small Groups

Social distancing, quarantine, self-isolation, all of these terms are new to us and on the surface fly in the face of the very idea of community. But now more than ever, it’s the very thing that our communities need! It’s time for our small groups to fill the void that is needed. Here are 5 things to remember when you are leading small groups online.

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