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YL Accelerator – Year 2
Who are the young pastors that need to apply for the next YL Accelerator? Young Leaders Accelerator is one of the great ways we partner with churches to develop our young pastors. Year two is in the books, and here are a few of the highlights from this past year.
The Cost of Mentoring
What sacrifices will you make to maximize your legacy? Sure, most of us are on board with the idea of mentoring. But we would be wise to count the cost. We need to be willing to sacrifice our ego to see others succeed. It's worth it every time. In fact, your legacy depends on it.
Overcoming the Top 3 Challenges Every Pastor Faces
I'm feeling overwhelmed by challenges. Where can I turn for help? Every pastor faces three challenges. Each one is big. Sometimes, all three will gang up on you on the same day. The nature of your ministry will be changed in these crucial moments, and you can ensure the changes are for the best.
With > For
How do I best disciple the people around me? Team leadership is the best leadership.
More Than I Could Ask Or Imagine
What happens when you're asked to take on a responsibility that is not only challenging but appears to be failing? How do you respond? God had much bigger plans than we do. When we step out in faith, he ministers to people's hearts in absolutely stunning ways.
Accelerator 2.0 Launch
How can I intentionally invest in my young pastor? ABNWT's pathway for developing our incredible young leaders continues...
Those Who Raise Us Up
Is there a place I can find trustworthy support for the call of God in my life? We increase the opportunity for success by surrounding ourselves with those who raise us up.
Creating A Space For Belonging
On May 10, 2023, over 260 pastors and ministry leaders from across the Alberta and Northwest Territories gathered for a round table for a family forum-styled conference to discuss what it means to “Belong, Grow, and Serve” together in the PAOC family in our region. The day was buzzing as people made new connections, visited with old friends and dialled into the day's agenda. Here are seven things that we learned at this past District Conference.
What It Means to Be a Part of The PAOC Family?
For James Clarence, being a part of the PAOC family is to be a part of great potential – the potential to see the Lord move in a fresh and new way.
Young Leaders Accelerator 1.0
What happens when young leaders grow together? As year one of ABNWT's Young Leaders Accelerator draws to a close, we take a look a some of the things we are learning.
A Line in the Sand
What price will I be called to pay as a Christian Leader in Canada in the days ahead? The societal cost of radical faith in Canada in 2023 and beyond.
Belong, Grow, Serve Together
What does it mean to belong, grow and serve together in a team? It's been said that "if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." If we intend to do all God has called us to, we cannot do it alone. We must work together.
Top 5 Ways to Be an Awesome Canada Student Summer Jobs Employer
How can I make the most of student summer job placements and intentionally develop younger leaders? A great summer job at your church can alter a student’s life trajectory, faith walk, and aspirations.
How To Manage Your Time
Do you manage your time well? Time management is a key component in effective leadership for pastors. Unfortunately, this is an area that many pastors struggle with. The nature of ministry is relational and entrepreneurial; these are often tensions that pull at one another. Is it possible to get things done and develop relationships with people? Here’s a look at how you can excel in managing your time.
What The Latest Stats Can Report Reveals About The Canadian Church
What does the latest Census data reveal about the Canadian Church? The Canadian Census for 2021 was released recently, and the insights into Religion, Christianity and the Church in Canada are insightful. Although it’s not a positive picture overall, church leaders must press into this data instead of ignoring it; allow the information to challenge you to innovate, create and re-imagine ministry in Canada in these coming years.
6 Things You Told Us About Developing Young Leaders
How do we develop the people in our churches, the leaders on our teams, and the next generation? A tour of Alberta uncovered incredible insights on developing leaders in any context.
What are your Vacation Plans for the Summer?
Why a summer holiday? If you are not scheduling time away for a complete break from ministry this summer, you are robbing yourself, your spouse, and your children of one of the greatest gifts you can give.
Let’s not lose a generation - Addressing the Gen Z Mental Health Crisis
The research found teens and young adults feel extremely depressed, anxious, stressed, and lonely. Here are three essentials for pastors in counteracting this trend through the ministry of the Church.