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Are You Impulsive?
Do you have impulsive tendencies? Thankfully, God's work in our lives goes beyond our initial shortcomings. He can use impulsiveness, doubts, and mistakes to teach important lessons, foster humility, and ultimately lead to a more authentic and genuine faith.
Seven Sizzling Summer Series Starters
How can I sustain momentum over the summer holidays? Seven ideas and outlines for a summer series. Pray over them, make one your own, and expect God to use speakers and subjects to meet people where they are.
The Cost of Mentoring
What sacrifices will you make to maximize your legacy? Sure, most of us are on board with the idea of mentoring. But we would be wise to count the cost. We need to be willing to sacrifice our ego to see others succeed. It's worth it every time. In fact, your legacy depends on it.
Habits of Highly Effective Team Builders
What habits should I develop to be a good team builder? There are no problems we cannot solve together and very few that we can solve by ourselves. The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great ministry.
When Defence Becomes Offensive
How can I overcome my tendency to react defensively to disagreement or criticism? This tendency is a learned behaviour and can be detrimental to a leader's life.
Metrics For Prevailing Church Revisited
What metrics are you using? Tracking the right metrics in the church will help you make the right course corrections and seek the right help as you move forward.
My Top 10 Ways To Get Over Your Fears
Connie Jakab talks about being a brave leader but has noticed people who usually don’t see themselves as leaders: people like parents (even though you’re only raising the next generation), teachers (who only have influenced everyone you see today), and entrepreneurs (who bring new ideas to solve problems and lead change in our world). Here’s how she moved past fear.
Why Leading Change Is So Hard
What changes are you planning in the future? Don’t stay where you are. Keep moving forward. Make sure that as you change, you navigate through some of these challenges in a healthy way. Whenever we implement change, we can either underestimate or overestimate how complicated it can be.
What I Learned In the Acts 2 Journey
Is the Acts 2 Journey helpful as a process of unifying, vitalizing and empassioning a congregation? Read how the Acts 2 Journey provided clarity and focus for Mark McMillan and his church in Cold Lake.
4 Things Recommended for Young Leaders
How can I thrive through the winter - not just survive? I love a good recommendation. I would much rather hear an endorsement from someone I trust than someone on the internet. Here are four things that I recommend to you - four things that might change your life.
What We're Learning
On May 10, 2023, over 260 pastors and ministry leaders from across the Alberta and Northwest Territories gathered for a roundtable, family forum-styled conference to discuss what it means to “Belong, Grow, and Serve” together in the ABNWT PAOC family. Here’s what we’re learning.
4 Financial Mistakes Churches Make
Church finances can be difficult to manage. Many times it’s a cause of stress, and we think, “If only we had more”. Well, let’s start by being good stewards of what we have. Churches often make these four financial mistakes
Why Are They Not Coming Back is the Wrong Question
Have you ever asked why aren't people coming back to your church? I know this seems a little opposite of how we typically view church; come here, and we’ll fill you up for the week. But, I would say we have an opportunity here to reframe what church looks like in this season and meet people where they’re at. The gospel never changes, but our methods can change constantly.
5 Characteristics of a Vitalized Church
What does a vitalized church in Canada actually look like? The reality is every church is on a trajectory and we can’t look at an individual month or year, but we need to look at the overall trends and characteristics of a church that is vitalized. Let’s look at 5 characteristics of a vitalized church.
The Turn Around Church Movement In Canada
Why are churches unable to stay open and grow? In an age where the Canadian population is growing, churches nationwide seem to be shrinking. The media calls it “the age of secularism,” but I call it a “wake-up call for the churches in Canada.”
Those Who Raise Us Up
Is there a place I can find trustworthy support for the call of God in my life? We increase the opportunity for success by surrounding ourselves with those who raise us up.
12 Ways To Be A Welcoming Church
Our Canadian churches have the greatest opportunity to reverse the trend of decreasing Christian influence in Canada. It works when we obey Christ and shed off everything else. We invite you to join us at the Church Vitalization Summit on August 29 and 30 for two 90-minute virtual sessions on reversing the trend in Canada.
20 Two-Person Outreaches You Can Do
What can you do to reach our community with just two people and a few bucks? Here are 20 outreaches that you can do with one other person. If done consistently over time, you'll see the fruit.