4 Things Recommended for Young Leaders

Good recommendations can change your life. An endorsement from a trusted source has led me to great restaurants, a trusted mechanic, a reliable cell provider south of the border, and so much more.

While I might not be a trusted source to all readers, I hope you’re willing to try these four things. Maybe I might become a trusted source for you. Who knows??

Here are a few things I’d like to recommend to you.

  1. Getting Sunlight

    Smarter people than me, like Dr. Andrew Huberman, talk about how light is a major key to optimizing health. In these winter months of darkness, we would do well to get outside in the limited sunlight hours. It’ll have a noticeable impact on our mental well-being.

    Today, I walked the dog during my lunch break. I enjoyed the sunlight and crisp, fresh air. It was only 15 minutes, but time well spent. I think my brain is healthier because of it. Get sun in your face.

    And while we’re at it, pray for those up north. They get much less sunlight than the rest of the world. Pray for their mental health and well-being, their resilience, and that the Light of Life lifts them today.

  2. One of my Podcasts on RotationPlain English with Derek Thompson

    Although I don’t always agree with him, I really appreciate his perspective. He’s smart, informative and well-balanced on issues like AI, the economy and the war between Israel and Palestine. He helps me better understand the world around me (Language warning).

  3. Paper Bibles

    In our digital world, I find myself using my Bible app most often- and it’s great. The Daily Refresh on YouVersion’s Bible App has given me a boost in scripture engagement.

    However, recently, I have been immersed in a project involving a real, paper Bible. Underlining, making notes, flipping real pages – it’s been rejuvenating and life-giving.

    Get back into a paper Bible – it’s a good time!

  4. Making Things Better Before They’re Broken

    My wife Kristin and I recently attended Family Life Canada’s Weekend Getaway. It was an incredible time to reconnect with each other, engage in conversations that we often miss, and so much more. I’m glad we took the time to invest in our marriage before we needed to.

    Sometimes, couples avoid retreats like this, fearing it might mean a shameful admission. I think we’d do well to normalize bringing things like this into the light. Our marriage isn’t perfect, and we have a few things to work on.

    I see a counsellor regularly and find our sessions helpful.

    I do maintenance on my car before it breaks down.

    Marriage and mental health should be similar. Unfortunately, a marriage retreat and counselling sometimes feel more shameful than an oil change. I hope that exposing some of these things will bring a sense of normalcy to these conversations.

    Maybe the application for you is one of the things I’ve mentioned. Or maybe you need to think about getting one of our ABNWT coaches to assess your church ministry. An outside perspective brings so much value! And our coaches care about helping you become the woman or man God has created you to be. Take the step to make things better before they’re even close to broken.

These four things will improve your life. Try them this week and let me know what you think. I’d also love to hear your best recommendations. Hit me up at kevin@abnwt.com or on IG at yln.abnwt.