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What Happens When We Pray
Prayer is the engine that drives everything we do as ministers of the gospel. Nothing significant in the kingdom of heaven will happen unless it's preceded by prayer. When we pray, our hearts and minds align with our Heavenly Father's will.
Understanding our times
God, can you please help us because, without You, we're done for! Understanding the times calls us to action, not to fear and dismay in the midst of chaos.
A Call to Prayer
As ministers, prayer must be the engine that drives everything we do. We cannot move ahead without guidance and direction from God in prayer. Prayer allows us to unload our burdens before God and to take on His direction in our lives. Prayer is never rote or mechanical; it is always vibrant and alive, a real-time conversation with the creator of the universe.
The Power Of Prayer
We’ve all heard the phrase, “There’s power in prayer.” I’m not sure if, as a leader, I should make this statement, but here goes. If I was to be completely honest, I have had my doubts if prayer really does work. Let’s be honest. We have all heard the stories of what God has done in some far-removed place on the mission field, but like you, perhaps, I wanted my own stories.
Maturity = Reproduction
Imagine if 75% of your church were actively engaged in the discipling of pre-Christians and Christians? What a day that would be.
7 Realizations The Pandemic Gave the Church
It’s never fun to realize that there were things that you thought were working, actually weren’t working. The recent pandemic exposed weaknesses and brought out realizations amongst churches and church leaders all over the world.
Leading Change Part 3
One of the best resources we relied on, next to the Bible, was John P. Kotter’s book Leading Change. We suited his change process to our own needs and followed these eight steps.
Praying For Souls
How are you engaging in prayer for the souls in your city? We have 4.1 million souls in the ABNWT region and we believe that God cares about every single one of them.