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3 Things You Can Do to Help Your Children's Ministry Leader Thrive and Expand Your Church
Did you know that a healthy, thriving Children's Ministry is one of the greatest ways to help your church grow? But behind every vibrant Kids Ministry is a leader who needs support. Here are three intentional things you can do to help your Children's Ministry leader thrive.
5 Habits of Highly Effective Kid's Leaders
What habits will help me create and develop an effective Kid's ministry? Here are five trusted and effective habits from a Kid's Min veteran that will help you lead successfully.
Generating Fall Momentum
How can I generate momentum in my church and get people back from being in summer mode? Hosting a strategic start-up event in the fall generates momentum within your church. It will bring families back into the swing of things while also being intentionally outbound.
How to Have Successful Family Services
What about taking a different approach or changing our perspective by looking at "Family Services" as an opportunity for intergenerational experiences? Here are some ideas for good practices in family services.
Essential Ministry to Tweens
Why would a church create a preteen ministry instead of combining this age group with kids or youth? Tweens are at a unique time in their lives when they need critical investment. It is a time when they make many life decisions and form their values.
VBS 2024: It's Time to Pivot
How were we using our resources (both time and money) for VBS programs? Read why Jon DuHamel thinks that VBS needs to pivot in Canada.
7 Simple Ways to Reach Out to Families with Children
How can you reach more families with young children? Many churches struggle with this question as they find that they are an older congregation or they think they don’t have the volunteer capacity to reach out to families. Here are some simple ways you can reach families with young children that won’t cost you a lot of money and utilize a lot of volunteers.
Discipleship Urgency
How can churches equip parents to disciple their children? Biblical illiteracy is rampant, and culture is dictating what people should do rather than a Spirit-led, Biblical pattern. Our kids are casualties!
Reaching Young Families When You Have None
How do we reach young families when we don’t have any in our church? Although it may be difficult, it is still very possible. Guest writer, Jonathan Duhamel, gives two things you can do that will hopefully help you reach young families in your community.
3 Ways to Keep Young Visiting Families in Your Church
Are you kid-friendly? During a time when Jonathan DuHumal and his family were looking for a church home, they tried out many well-meaning churches and just never stayed. These are the three things those churches didn’t that you CAN do.
Next Gen Realities
We are presently in a very new era of ministry. There is no guidebook for the age we are currently in. We must get into their fishbowl as cross-cultural missionaries and lead like Jesus, love like Jesus, and serve as Jesus would.
19 Ideas For An Easter Chain Reaction
What are some practical ways to invite in more guests and for them to have an awesome experience at Easter? Imagine starting an Easter chain reaction. See lives transformed. Entire families coming to know Jesus. Building relationships with guests. All because you designed your Easter service to be about more than Easter.
Heroic Efforts in Kids Min Across the Province
What kinds of successful Kids’ Events are happening in the province? Kathy Zelman, our Children and Family Ministry Specialist, celebrates the wins of the Fall and Christmas season of events – especially outbound!
How a Small Church Can Make A Big Impact This Christmas
How can small churches have a big impact on their community this Christmas? Here are some ideas from guest writer Carolyn Wentzel from City South Church.
What A Younger Canada Means For Your Church
It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but the age demographics are shifting in Canada, which, in turn, is creating some waves around the nation in health care, labour and education. Stats Can reports that: Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996 and between 25 and 40 years old in 2021, are the fastest-growing generation and account for the largest share of the working population (33.2%).
Family Encounters Help The Whole Family Encounter God, Together.
How do you reach mixed ages and demographics and teach all of the biblical truths and foundations of the faith? For the parents in your church, there is nothing more important than knowing their children understand the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. Partnering with parents in their child's spiritual formation will lead to healthy families who are disciples of Christ and represent Jesus in your community.
7 Ways To Reach Kids and Families This Summer
This summer, families and kids are looking for opportunities to build community and connections. Your church is primed and ready to create experiences that facilitate this! Here are some ideas to get you inspired.
5 Tips to Helping Tweens Move Up to Youth Ministry
Grade 6's moving into a group of older teens can feel uncertain and need to find acceptance. Here are five tips to help tweens happily find their place.