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Thriving in Every Area of Life
Thriving isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress. It’s the small, intentional steps you take each day that lead to lasting growth. Dive into practical strategies to help you thrive spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Let’s talk about Mental Health
"Can I be real for a minute?" Matthew Swinamer shares his experiences with mental health. "The Holy Spirit used therapy to help me realize that I had negative beliefs that were contributing to unhealthy thoughts, emotions and behaviours. I had to get to the root of why I was so depressed, overwhelmed and hopeless."
How to Welcome God into your Counselling Experience
As faith individuals, we believe that God wants to play a key and tangible role in our counselling experience and emotional wellness journey. So understanding this, what are ways that we can intentionally involve God in our counselling experience?
Are You Impulsive?
Do you have impulsive tendencies? Thankfully, God's work in our lives goes beyond our initial shortcomings. He can use impulsiveness, doubts, and mistakes to teach important lessons, foster humility, and ultimately lead to a more authentic and genuine faith.
How Can Christian Counselling Support Your Faith Journey?
Why should we receive counselling support? Christian counselling is a wonderful complement to our faith journey for many reasons. This article will explore those reasons.
3 Unexpected Sources of Resilience
Feeling overwhelmed? You are not alone. Cut yourself some slack. You are a frontline worker. Pastors are on the frontlines every week, dealing with other people’s issues as well as those in your immediate family. And the unrealistic expectations that others place on you add to the overwhelm.
Five Things I am Certain About for 2023
Why should I be optimistic about the coming year? “Aside from these five unalterable facts, I know nothing about the course 2023 will take. But, knowing these things, I know enough.” Our Pastoral Care Coordinator, Al Downey, predicts a banner year for Christ and His Kingdom on Earth.
Christmas Blues - Give Yourself a Break!
What can I do when I feel depressed during the Christmas Season when I know I should be upbeat? Al Downey, our Pastoral Care Coordinator, shares some causes and cures for depression at Christmas.
How's Your "ELPO?"
Fifty-three times in the New Testament, the Greek word 'Elpo' or one of its derivatives is used, which translates as 'Hope.' What is our Hope based on? Here are five thoughts, an octane boost to your spiritual fuel to help you spread 'Elpo.'
Ministers Gathering 2022 "Together"
Over 500 attendees joined us in Banff or online for a time of refreshing, renewal and restoring. Every session was inspiring, challenging, and a reminder that none of us do this alone, we are Together. Check out how to playback the sessions.
10 Loving Ways to Exercise Stewardship Over Our Own Mental Health
Guarding mental health may be a daily challenge but with God’s grace and putting these practical steps into action, we can overcome.
Dealing With Discouragement
We are now almost two years into a global pandemic. To say that vocational leaders are tired and discouraged would be a colossal understatement. On the front end of it, most seemed to quickly acknowledge, “this isn’t going to be a sprint, we’re going to have to lace up for a marathon.” And pastors did just that.