Building Great (Young) Teams

During the first half of 2021, ABNWT launched NextGen Leaders cohorts where we have connected young leaders and have intentionally grown together. It has been a great season and I have enjoyed getting to know this group of dynamic young leaders.

For our May cohort meet-ups, Gary Taitinger, ABNWT’s Superintendent, facilitated an important conversation about developing the people around us – similar to his chat in our June district newsletter. Young or old, we all have people around us that we have the privilege and responsibility to help grow.

One of Gary’s key lessons learned in his decades of pastoral leadership is to include less experienced, high potential leaders in all levels of decision making. This often means including them in conversations and decisions that might be ‘above their paygrade’ to help mould them as leaders.

It’s important to not just delegate tasks but authority. Including young leaders in strategic leadership direction produces incredible long-lasting fruit, including:

  1. Great ideas – regardless of how brilliant our ideas are, we are foolish to think that we have thought through our ministries from every possible vantage point. Including a variety of voices around the tables opens the door for potentially brilliant new perspectives and insights.

  2. Models humility – inviting other voices to influence vision, direction and strategy demonstrates that leaders are humble and malleable - that they are well aware of their limitations. Humble leaders perpetuate the posture of humility, like a ripple effect for those that follow in their wake.

  3. Creates ownership – when a young leader is invited to contribute to the process, rather than merely being told the process, the likelihood of that young leader becoming fully committed to the cause rises exponentially. What they help create, they will sacrifice for. 

Often we avoid including others in these decision-making/planning phases because it takes much more time, effort and thinking ahead. But it’s so worth it. Including and empowering young leaders is one of the best uses of the valuable time we have. 

Now is the time to be planning your leadership or volunteer training retreat for the end of August or the beginning of September (if you haven’t already). Here’s my encouragement. Don’t plan alone. Include your high potential students & leaders in the planning and execution of your retreat and year ahead.

  • They’ll own it.

  • They’ll be honoured to help.

  • They’ll surprise you with great ideas.

  • Their loyalty to you and your ministry will increase.

  • They’ll lead better in the future because you’ve modelled it.

  • Your leadership and ministry will be better because you’ve invested well!