Leadership Jeremiah Raible Leadership Jeremiah Raible

A New Life Cycle For Your Church

Everything has a life cycle; from birth to death.  Humans only have one life cycle.  A church, however, can have multiple life cycles.  From birth to maturity, to decline, to death, a church must be able to intercept the life cycle at the peak (maturity) in order to gain new life and new momentum.

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Evangelism, Preaching John Albiston Evangelism, Preaching John Albiston

FREE RESOURCE - Effective Pulpit Evangelism

What would it look like if week after week you presented the gospel and invited people to respond?

You can do this on Sundays, in Children’s Programs, Youth and Young Adults and any other time.

In this webinar, I lay out some key concepts in presenting the gospel, inviting people to respond, and following up with them.  

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Leadership Jeremiah Raible Leadership Jeremiah Raible

4 Calls From MG 2019

We gathered in Banff, Alberta for our annual Ministers Gathering and District Conference.  This is always a time of connection, inspiration, information, and vision.  This year, there were four distinct calls that went out to the ministers in attendance. 

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Youth Jeremy Gifford Youth Jeremy Gifford

Thinking Outside The Box

What if you rallied your teens to The Great Commission, and the truth that Jesus doesn’t want them to just huddle up indoors, but He wants to use them to reach their friends?

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Evangelism, Outreach Jeremiah Raible Evangelism, Outreach Jeremiah Raible

Relentlessly Outward Bound

When I look at Canadian churches that are experiencing growth by conversion, there is one common characteristic I see: they are relentlessly outward bound. At some point they made a decision that they will be about the people who are not yet a part of their church.

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Leadership, Soul Care ABNWT Leadership, Soul Care ABNWT

Spiritually Healthy Leaders

A series of hardships in ministry such as cancer, members leaving, and the inability to grow as a church left me feeling bruised and beaten. My frustration was compounded because I thought I knew what we needed to do, only to find there was little fruit to show for it. I thought I was a good pastor, but I could not figure out what needed to happen to get us where we needed to go.

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Youth, Young Leaders Jeremy Gifford Youth, Young Leaders Jeremy Gifford

Plugged In

It’s not enough to just graduate students with faith intact. Our job has to be to set students up for a life of vibrant and thriving faith.

So how do we do this, and how do we not lose our teens when they enter Emerging Adulthood?

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