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Fulfilling Our Calling
We’ve been empowered to reach those who are far from God. This is a vital mission in our world. We must not lose courage in being a distinct people called to a unique purpose.
The Simplicity Of A Vision
How can we temper our tendency to overcomplicate when it’s important to keep things simple? Better yet, how can we nurture a vision for our church’s future when the complexities of running a church are so intense?
Vitalization - A Change Of Heart
Prior to change of habit comes a change of heart. If you want to vitalize your church, understanding this change of heart is crucial for you and your congregation.
Vitalization - Better Together
In order to cheat the law of church life cycle, a church must biblically “recatalyze” when it encounters or is about to encounter plateau. Then it can overcome the impending inertia and press forward with another chapter of growth.
4 Keys To Communicate To Teens More Effectively
How we communicate God’s Word is so important to whether a teen understands it and sees it as applying to them right here and right now, or whether they see it as an outdated religion that has no bearing on their life.
From Message To Movement
It’s what you want every message to have isn’t it?
To get teens to take what we talk about on a youth night beyond the four walls of the church and walk with it.
Managing Expectations In Ministry
Why do church leaders hit the wall in ministry? There are multiple reasons, but one clear factor is the pressure of self-imposed expectations.
How To Lead Worship In A Way That Reaches Lost People
Look at our worship experience through the lens of a non-Christian. Church is soooo boring and irrelevant. Especially our music. We want people to meet Jesus, but if they check out in the first few minutes of a service because they’re disengaged, you likely will not win them back.
New Year, New Opportunities
Every time a new year rolls around, leaders get a bit of a “clean slate.” This is a great time to seize the opportunities that the new year affords us. Here are just a few ways you can do just that.
14 Christmas Outreach Ideas
Growing churches must engage the community. We need to be visible and actively building bridges of relationship to those who have not yet come to our church. Christmas is a great time for your church to engage your community.
Power For Purpose
According to Acts 1:8, being filled with God’s Spirit is about so much more than an experience in a room, or a checkbox on a list. It’s about Power for Purpose. More specifically, power to accomplish God’s purpose.
Keeping Toxic Out Of Your Home
How you handle church conflict in your home will determine whether those troubles end up being virtuous or villainous.
Canadians Reaching Canadians
We still hear stories of people coming to Jesus Christ. So, what does that look like in Canada? Here are some insights into how Canadians can reach Canadians.
Why Missions?
When we organize missions trips, we give teens an opportunity to see what it feels like to put your hands to the plow. It takes them beyond the teaching component, beyond the four walls of a church and into the world, where people need Jesus.
10 Ways Your Students Can Serve
Rallying your students to serve others is such a great way to show them what it means to live out your faith beyond the four walls of a church. Not only that, but it’s a great way to call Gen Z to be a part of the solution that they are craving to be in the world.
FREE RESOURCE - Small Group Study
This is a 5 week small group study by ABNWT and Mission Canada Worker Connie Jakab (Cypher Church) that talks about how you can share your faith in a post Christian world.
Creating Healthy Team Dynamics
As Lead Pastor you are the Mover, Motivator and Monitor of the Vision. You are not the owner. If you think you own it, and act accordingly, the Vision will not develop beyond your own capacities, nor will it outlast your tenure. The strongest Vision is one that is owned by all the investors.