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Praying For Souls
How are you engaging in prayer for the souls in your city? We have 4.1 million souls in the ABNWT region and we believe that God cares about every single one of them.
5 Steps To Developing A Student Leadership Team
We so desperately need to build a youth ministry that goes beyond ourselves. We are called to make disciples who make disciples. It can’t end with us, or with them. The day of spoon-feeding is over, now it’s time to rally your students and develop them to lead in your youth ministry. It’s time to develop Student Leaders.
Engaging The Next Generation
I believe your greatest potential for qualitative and quantitative growth in your youth ministry, won’t be found in your next best sermon series, or your next biggest event, or in the charisma you feel you bring or don’t bring as a leader.
I believe a huge part of it will be found in how you are engaging the Next Generation. Are you calling them into the game to help move the puck down the ice? Or are they watching, disengaged in the stands?
7 Things I Learned From Vitalization
Vitalization is way more than getting a definition of success right. It’s a learning process. It’s doing what Jesus calls his leader/followers to become—faithful and fruitful.
6 Seating Strategies To Add Energy To Your Church
Well-designed seating makes a room come alive! It creates momentum and makes everyone feel like they’re a part of something big. Ineffective seating makes a room feel distant and dead. There’s a loss of connection and everyone can’t wait to get out of there…
What Do We Do?
“What do you do?”
This is a common question in our world that we have probably answered countless times. However, what about our fellowship, our tribe, us as Pentecostals, what do we do?…
6 Keys To Leading An Effective Youth Leader's Meeting
We’ve all been there right? Those meetings we’ve been called into, but we have no idea why we are there. It feels so pointless.
Here are six keys I’ve found helpful in leading effective youth leader’s meetings…
Structuring For Success
If we want to be successful youth pastors, let’s be super intentional with one thing: raising up leaders.
Let’s build the ministry beyond us, our tenure and our personality. Let’s make disciples who actually make disciples. Let’s structure for success…
Social Media 101
It used to be so easy.
You wanted to get the word out?
Throw it in the newspaper. That’s where everyone was.
Fast forward to today. We find ourselves in the thick of the digital revolution…
Back From The Brink
In April of 1989, I came precariously close to ending my life.
I was in the throes of a completely debilitating depression. Totally Incapable of rational thought, very ill, and unable to help myself, I lived believing the tormenting devilish lies continuously being fed into my mind…
10 Church Branding Mistakes
Here are 10 things to avoid in your church branding. Although some of them may seem like good ideas, they can prevent your influence from reaching its potential…
Your Website Is Your Front Door
People are checking your church out online long before they come into your door. Just like “curb appeal” is important to a physical location, so is the ability of your website to welcome and inform people who are checking out your church…
Why You Need To Be On Social Media
Approximately 7 out of 10 Canadians are actively engaged in social media on a daily basis. This is why you need to be there…
5 Ways To Reach Your Campus
As you think about the fall and suitable ministry opportunities, give some consideration to the university and college campuses in your area.
7 Opportunities To Serve Your Community
The more you seek to serve your community, the greater the opportunity for a positive Christian witness…
4 Ideas For Outreach Into Your Community
How can you engage your community on a regular basis and build bridges of relationship? Here are four ideas that you can use to engage your community.
4 Questions To Help Your Church Become Outward Bound
The natural gravitational pull of every church is to become inward focused. Eventually, it becomes about us and our preferences over the mission of the church; reaching lost people…
4 Calls From General Conference 2018
This past May, over a thousand delegates from the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada gathered in Victoria, BC to celebrate 100 years of ministry in Canada. During the event, there were four distinct calls that went out to those that were gathered there…