Your Website Is Your Front Door

As of July 2016, Canada has an estimated 32.12 million internet users. It’s common that people are checking your church out online long before they come into your door. Just like “curb appeal” is important to a physical location, so is the ability of your website to welcome and inform people who are checking out your church.

Here are some ways you can spruce up your front door:

Easy Web Domain. There was a time when complicated web domains would work. No, just kidding. There never was a time. Keep it simple. Avoid acronyms and speak the language of the people. If people know your church as a nick name, buy that as a domain name and forward it to your web site. Whatever you do, make it roll off your tongue as you say it. Simple.

Show Us What Happens on the Inside. Take high quality photos of your worship service, your people and your interior and show us what happens on the inside of your building. You need to dispel the myth that this place is creepy and the people are weird. You can do that by opening the doors and showing who is inside.

Make service times and locations the first thing we see. I’ve spent many minutes sifting through web pages trying to figure out where your church is and what time you meet at. This should be the first thing I see since that is a pretty big deal.

Make a “plan your visit” section. If I wanted to go to your church for the first time, what would I need to know? What do I wear? What happens? What do I do with my kids? Answer those questions concisely. Let people know that you are expecting them.

Use language that invites people to come. On one of our church websites, one of the main things you see is a button with the title “Church Discipline Policy.” This is not what you want to convey to people “walking by your door.” Use language like “You Belong Here,” or “Come As You Are,” or “We’ve Saved A Seat For You.” Let people know that this is a place for them. They are more than welcome to come no matter what their background is.

If you need a new website, contact and we will help you out. Remember, your website is the front door to your church. Let’s welcome people to join us.


Jeremiah Raible

Jeremiah works as an Effectiveness Coach with the ABNWT District of the PAOC. He is a passionate and creative leader who believes that the church is the hope of the world. He uses collaboration, innovation, and inspiration to challenge churches and their leadership to engage in the only mission Jesus ever sent his church on: making disciples.


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