14 Christmas Outreach Ideas

Growing churches must engage the community. We need to be visible and actively building bridges of relationship to those who have not yet come to our church. Christmas is a great time for your church to engage your community.

Here are 14 ideas how your church can serve those who are not a part of your church.

  1. Free Babysitting for Christmas Shopping: Do a “Christmas Day Camp” for a Saturday morning or afternoon and offer free “childcare” while parents go shopping

  2. Christmas Hampers: Many churches do Christmas hampers for their own people. This year, try and do Christmas Hampers for the community as well.

  3. Toy Drive: Collect toys and give them to kids and families in need. You could even make the pick-up a part of a Christmas Party.

  4. Christmas Party: Host a community Christmas party with cookie decorating, carnival games, gingerbread making competitions and more. Make it a “family Christmas Party” and invite your whole community.

  5. Teachers Appreciation: Go to the local school (get permission first) and bring coffee, muffins and goodies to the staff room. Show the teachers that you love them.

  6. First Responders Appreciation: Pick up some Tim Hortons coffee and Tim Bits and go to Hospitals, Fire Stations, and Police Stations and let them know that you appreciate them. Doing this on Christmas eve or Christmas day is very powerful.

  7. Christmas Movie Night: Pick a fun Christmas movie (get the licensing), and invite the community for a Christmas movie night with free pop and popcorn.

  8. Christmas Craft Making: Pick a Christmas craft (ornaments, cards etc….) and invite the community to come and make that craft. You can even charge a small amount to cover the costs.

  9. Christmas Music in Public: Get your worship team, choir or kids choir and take the music to a public space. Share your music with those who would not come.

  10. Christmas Concert: Many churches do Christmas concerts or Children’s musicals. Use these to invite non-believers.

  11. Free Family Skates or Swims: During the Christmas break, rent out a skating rink or swimming pool and invite the community for a free swim or skate.

  12. Christmas Gift Wrapping: Offer Christmas gift wrapping to your community. You can even take up a donation towards a community outreach.

  13. Hot Chocolate Stations: Get some hot chocolate, cups and a table and set up a free hot chocolate station at a Community Event (get permission), Parade (get permission) or a public space (get permission)

  14. Christmas Eve Service: Have a one hour community Christmas Eve Service. Have a few options for times (4&6PM) and invite the community. Let them know what to expect.

Do you have ideas? What is your church doing at Christmas? Let us know.


Jeremiah Raible

Jeremiah works as an Effectiveness Coach with the ABNWT District of the PAOC. He is a passionate and creative leader who believes that the church is the hope of the world. He uses collaboration, innovation, and inspiration to challenge churches and their leadership to engage in the only mission Jesus ever sent his church on: making disciples.


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