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Let’s talk about Mental Health
"Can I be real for a minute?" Matthew Swinamer shares his experiences with mental health. "The Holy Spirit used therapy to help me realize that I had negative beliefs that were contributing to unhealthy thoughts, emotions and behaviours. I had to get to the root of why I was so depressed, overwhelmed and hopeless."
The Heartbeat of the Church
Why is prayer essential for the life and health of a local church? If prayer is de-emphasized, the heartbeat of the church slows to a critical level and eventually stops altogether. If a local church is to remain a vital, life-giving entity, it must have a healthy heart.
52 Salvation Invitations
How can I give a salvation invitation every Sunday of the year? Here are practical steps to give salvation invitations every Sunday of the year.
What Happens When We Pray
Prayer is the engine that drives everything we do as ministers of the gospel. Nothing significant in the kingdom of heaven will happen unless it's preceded by prayer. When we pray, our hearts and minds align with our Heavenly Father's will.
It's just too noisy!
Take some time, and focus on God. Quiet the noise all around you and remind yourself Whose you are. God is with you. He longs to spend time with you. He wants you to just "be". Be in His presence. Be in His care. Be in the moment. Be aware of His work around you.
I Am Planting An Incarnational Church in Calgary
Incarnational church planting goes beyond starting a service. It's about crossing cultural barriers and embodying Jesus in a neighbourhood's everyday life. This is what it means to be the ekklesia—the gathered community of believers.
Why Goal-Setting in Event Planning Matters
Wondering how to ensure the success of your events? Start by clearly defining their purpose and setting SMART goals to address specific challenges and desired outcomes. This strategy will help you make informed decisions, measure success, and effectively use your resources.
An Acts 2 Vision For Your Church
Why is working with a team in vision development so important? We know that pastors seeking to do God’s will don’t want a simplistic, formulaic plan that requires no spiritual fervour or biblical depth. You want to see God do something only He can do.
I Am Exhausted!
I am exhausted. Why and what do I do? Al Downey, our Pastoral Care Coordinator, shares some causes and cures for exhaustion in ministry.
Whatever Happened to "Ask The Pastor" Radio Shows?
I hear stories about churches doing radio shows in which the pastor would simply field questions about life, the Bible, and theology – a conversation with regular people from their local community who would call and ask questions of the pastor.
Generating Fall Momentum
How can I generate momentum in my church and get people back from being in summer mode? Hosting a strategic start-up event in the fall generates momentum within your church. It will bring families back into the swing of things while also being intentionally outbound.
YL Accelerator – Year 2
Who are the young pastors that need to apply for the next YL Accelerator? Young Leaders Accelerator is one of the great ways we partner with churches to develop our young pastors. Year two is in the books, and here are a few of the highlights from this past year.
Preach the Call - Again!
What should a congregant be left with at the end of a sermon? Now is the time for us, as devoted kingdom leaders, to return to preaching and practicing some historical non-optional calls to ensure fruitful Church function in the next generation.
How to Welcome God into your Counselling Experience
As faith individuals, we believe that God wants to play a key and tangible role in our counselling experience and emotional wellness journey. So understanding this, what are ways that we can intentionally involve God in our counselling experience?
Churches Don’t Have A Storage Issue, We Have A Hoarding Problem
How do we reach young families when we don’t have any in our church? Although it may be difficult, it is still very possible. Guest writer, Jonathan Duhamel, gives two things you can do that will hopefully help you reach young families in your community.
7 Keys To Picking A Great Worship Set This Sunday
Worship leaders, do you have a process for deciding what songs you are going to sing this Sunday? I was recently asked how I decide what to sing. Here is some insight into what has worked for me.
Are You Impulsive?
Do you have impulsive tendencies? Thankfully, God's work in our lives goes beyond our initial shortcomings. He can use impulsiveness, doubts, and mistakes to teach important lessons, foster humility, and ultimately lead to a more authentic and genuine faith.
When I Am Weak
Have you ever felt ineffective, insipid, or a weakling trying to fill a strong person’s role? How do we face and overcome these emotions that threaten the effectiveness of our leadership when they spin out of control? Here are a few suggestions.