It's just too noisy!
“Be still and know that I am God.”
What a pile of noise!
Noise in my head.
Noise in my ears.
Noise in my eyes.
Are you crying out for silence?
“His presence manifests itself not in fire or wind or thunder but in a still, small voice. Only in this quietness does He give us the certainty of His presence. We usually cannot hear this because we are making so much inner noise.
The word from the Word is often something like “Grow up!” I suddenly see that far more important things are at stake than my feelings. We do not always get specific answers, even when we invoke His name, but we always get the Answerer!”
“Silence is not just silence or emptiness or nothingness, but the best preparation there is because then there is no obstacle. And God’s love—since it is not pervasive—just comes in, like the weather, and like it fills any empty spaces.”
Silence is a kind of 'property' of Being prior to Being. No wonder a civilization of noises (of all types) finds it difficult to discover the divine dimensions of reality. God cannot be experienced in words or even by thinking or doing, but just by silence, that is, by being, because Being is silent. "Be still and know that I am God." Only in stillness can we know God.
“Beyond the fear
Beyond the voices
Into the heart of the world,
Only silence lives.”
Take some time, and focus on God. Quiet the noise all around you and remind yourself Whose you are. God is with you. He longs to spend time with you. He wants you to just "be". Be in His presence. Be in His care. Be in the moment. Be aware of His work around you.
Take some time, and focus on God. Quiet the noise all around you and remind yourself Whose you are. God is with you. He longs to spend time with you. He wants you to just "be". Be in His presence. Be in His care. Be in the moment. Be aware of His work around you.