7 Keys To Picking A Great Worship Set This Sunday
Worship leaders, do you have a process for deciding what songs you are going to sing this Sunday? I was recently asked how I decide what to sing. Here is some insight into what has worked for me.
1. Compile a list of the top songs for your congregation
What are the main songs that your congregation has been singing for the last 3-6 months? What songs have resonated with your congregation? A congregation can only comfortably learn and sing so many songs. I go through the most recent set lists, pick out the top songs, and make a list to work from. Here is the current list of My Top Worship Songs.
2. Pray and ask God what He wants
Everything begins with God. Is your heart right before God? What is God speaking to you about? What is God speaking to your congregation about?
After praying, God usually brings a main song to my mind that I will build the set around. The song might be an opening song, an ending song or a middle song. When building the set, I will consider factors like theme, tempos, use of different keys, styles, key signatures, key changes, transitions and other musical factors that will help take the congregation on a worship journey.
My main goal is for the congregation to worship God. I want them to encounter the living God in our weekly corporate worship times. I just don't want to sing or perform nice songs. People need to sense that God cares about them and loves them. The congregation should know that He is there in the midst of their worship. And for people who don't know the Lord yet, I want them to be able to enjoy the songs at a musical level and also sense that God is in this place.
3. Is there a theme for this Sunday?
There are certain times of the year when themes are huge: Christmas, Easter, Palm Sunday, Missions Sunday, Communion, Father's Day and Mother's Day. Always be checking ahead on the calendar to be ready for those special Sundays.
Does your pastor do sermon series? Does your pastor ask you to develop a musical theme with his series? I am usually working on the set list 2-3 weeks in advance, and not many pastors have asked me to do total theme services. If possible, I try to tie in a closing song with the message. But that is usually some type of altar call, response, or communion song.
My general goal for normal Sundays is to get people to focus on and worship God. Sometimes, the song list might follow a general theme of God's faithfulness, love, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, miracles, or whatever attribute my main song's theme is.
4. Putting the song list in a good order
My Sunday morning set list normally includes four songs or 20 minutes of worship. I try to balance fast songs, medium songs, and slow songs.
“The congregation often rushes to church, and their focus can be all over the map. I want to find a song that is easy for them to sing and bring their focus to God.”
I have found that an uptempo song (tempo range 98-120) is often the best kind of worship song to start with. I want to find a song that gets people moving and involved, clapping, singing, and praising God as soon as the service starts. The song will usually be about God as opposed to singing directly to God.
From there, I have often found that a slightly faster second song will move the congregation ahead in their focus and worship of God. After the two opening songs, I will often do a transitional medium-tempo song that will continue the congregation on their worship journey to worship and focus on God with their whole hearts, minds, and strength.
For the last song, I will normally pick a powerful, slower worship song that has the congregation singing directly to God. There is something very powerful about directing their hearts and worship directly towards God. That's usually my worship goal: getting people to focus upward.
I want to get the congregation's hearts directed toward the One who heals them, forgives them, never leaves them, loves them and provides all their needs.
5. What new song is God speaking to you about?
Different congregations have different dispositions toward learning new songs. I usually teach a new song once a month. My normal practice is to make sure the 'new song' is sung three times in the first month. I will repeat the 'new song' the next week after introducing it, give it a week off, and then repeat it again on the fourth Sunday.
By that time, you will know if the song will work for your congregation. If the congregation is not singing it wholeheartedly by that time, it usually means that the song doesn't work for your group.
Special note: The first time you sing the 'new song,' it is generally not a good idea to put the new song first or last on your list.
Here is my blog on picking great new songs for your congregation.
6. Can your band and singers do well with that song?
Another factor that I consider when choosing songs is who the main players are for that week. I really try to develop the band and singers so that all the players can handle any song, but sometimes, there is a player who cannot handle a specific part. As a leader, you need to be aware of that and either pass on that song for that week or adapt the arrangement to work for that player.
7. Check your list against the top songs and churches in the world
I have found that CCLI's SongSelect Top 200 list is extremely valuable. CCLI has developed a system to find out the main songs that are being sung around the world. I want to stay in touch with what songs minister and touch the worldwide Body of Christ.
PlanningCenter.com also has a great list (Top Songs) that gives you information on what songs churches are singing that Sunday.
Many of us are good at picking great songs, and some of us, 'not so much.' The fact is, none of us gets it right all the time. So, I highly recommend CCLI's and Planning Center's Top Songs lists.
I will also often listen to the worship sets from some of the top churches in North America, Australia and England. I will sometimes stream the worship from Elevation Church (North Carolina), Gateway Church (Dallas) or another great church that God directs my attention to. I want to see what growing churches from around the world are doing.
Question: How do you put your list together for Sunday morning? What factors are important to you and your congregation? What is working where you lead?
Mark Cole, Worship Pastor, Neighbourhood Church, Calgary. Used with permission.
Mark Cole is the Worship Pastor at Neighbourhood Church, Calgary. Mark has over 40 years of full-time ministry experience, including 30 years as a Worship Pastor in some of Canada's largest churches. He loves spending time with his wife, Anna, their children, Josh, Sonia, Stephanie, Ryan, and their three grandchildren. In addition to mentoring musicians and consulting for churches, he enjoys ping-pong, pickleball, biking, hiking, skiing, writing and arranging music, teaching various instruments, and working on his blog.