Outreach Connie Jakab Outreach Connie Jakab

Transforming Communities Through Connection: A Kingdom Approach

How can our church move beyond programs and door hangers and create a true impact in the lives of others? Our goal is not just community development—it’s building trust and relationships that pave the way for kingdom expansion. Natural bridges for connection emerge as we focus on others' concerns and create opportunities around those needs.

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Succession Bob Jones Succession Bob Jones

Succession Planning In A Local Church

Can succession planning be an option for a church board looking at the future of their church? Your pastor is happily serving your church. And the church is happy to have their pastor. In fact, the church couldn’t be in a better season. With everything so good, now is the best time to shape your church culture so that your pastor’s eventual succession will be as seamless as possible.

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Succession Bob Jones Succession Bob Jones

Pastoral Succession in a Solo Pastor Church

What is pastoral succession, and how could I plan one for our church? Pastoral transition is the most critical moment in the life of a congregation. Every church is unique. There is no one-size-fits-all for a succession plan, especially in a solo pastor church. Working with a church coach will help craft your plan.

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Events Carissa Barke Events Carissa Barke

Using Audience Research to Grow Your Events & Ministries

Want to grow your church events? How can understanding my audience through research help grow and improve my church events? Understanding your target audience is critical. Check out this blog to learn more about how audience research can lead to more impactful, engaging, and effective church events.

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Pastoral Care Al Downey Pastoral Care Al Downey

Life is a Puzzle

By God's design, our life is assembled one piece at a time. Some pieces often seem incongruent to the whole. Let me assure you that order will eventually rise out of chaos, clarity out of confusion, and the troubling pieces will find their proper place in God's greater dream for your life.

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Outreach James Clarence Outreach James Clarence

A Vision From and For The North

Why did we move our young family to the Northwest Territories? It is to pursue God's face and see His hand move and shake every hamlet, village, town, and city, pushing back the darkness that has held dominion here for far too long.

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Leadership, Prayer Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Prayer Jeremiah Raible

What Happens When We Pray

Prayer is the engine that drives everything we do as ministers of the gospel. Nothing significant in the kingdom of heaven will happen unless it's preceded by prayer. When we pray, our hearts and minds align with our Heavenly Father's will.

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Soul Care, Pastoral Care Peter Cusick Soul Care, Pastoral Care Peter Cusick

It's just too noisy!

Take some time, and focus on God. Quiet the noise all around you and remind yourself Whose you are. God is with you. He longs to spend time with you. He wants you to just "be". Be in His presence. Be in His care. Be in the moment. Be aware of His work around you.  

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