19 Ideas For An Easter Chain Reaction

What are some practical ways to invite in more guests and for them to have an awesome experience at Easter? Imagine starting an Easter chain reaction. See lives transformed. Entire families coming to know Jesus. Building relationships with guests. All because you designed your Easter service to be about more than Easter.

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Ministers Gathering 23 Highlights

Were you able to join us at Ministers Gathering 2023? Over 500 ministers and their families joined us for a time of connection, renewal and equipping at the Banff Park Lodge in Banff, Alberta. This is a valuable family connection time and helps us support and encourage one another as we endeavour to reach the 4.1 million souls in our region.

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Leadership, Creative, Evangelism, Outreach, Assimilation Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Creative, Evangelism, Outreach, Assimilation Jeremiah Raible

4 Fantastic Outreaches To Do In the Spring

Ready to think about spring outreaches? Here are four fantastic outreaches you can do this spring. The sky is brightening. The air is warming. The snow is melting – well, not quite yet. But spring is coming, and this is a great opportunity to reach your community in the coming months. Your church can make a difference in your community by meeting the needs of your community. Building bridges of relationship and connection to the people who are not yet a part of your church but will be one day.

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7 Things Every Organization Must Have

Is your church stuck? Do you find yourself in the tension of organizational structure and relational equity? Once you decide to focus on these seven things, you can begin to work and develop them as you go forward. The blend of organization and organism embedded in each of these areas will keep you growing in numbers while also growing in depth of relationship and commitment to Christ.

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How To Manage Your Time

Do you manage your time well? Time management is a key component in effective leadership for pastors. Unfortunately, this is an area that many pastors struggle with. The nature of ministry is relational and entrepreneurial; these are often tensions that pull at one another. Is it possible to get things done and develop relationships with people? Here’s a look at how you can excel in managing your time.

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5 Things You Can Do To Lead Change Well

How well can you lead changes in your church or ministry? Organizational change is inevitable. Unfortunately, it’s not easy. The true test of any leader is their ability to lead change in an organization. Pastors must lead change. They must lead it well. Here are five things you can do to lead change well.

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What The Latest Stats Can Report Reveals About The Canadian Church

What does the latest Census data reveal about the Canadian Church? The Canadian Census for 2021 was released recently, and the insights into Religion, Christianity and the Church in Canada are insightful. Although it’s not a positive picture overall, church leaders must press into this data instead of ignoring it; allow the information to challenge you to innovate, create and re-imagine ministry in Canada in these coming years.

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