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6 Things You Told Us About Developing Young Leaders
How do we develop the people in our churches, the leaders on our teams, and the next generation? A tour of Alberta uncovered incredible insights on developing leaders in any context.
Opportunities to Connect With Community at Christmas
There are opportunities for the community at Christmas. We know that a lot of our community only attends at Christmas and Easter, so how do we reach them for Christ? Alayne Durand shares what BP Church in Calgary does at Christmas to build relationships all year round.
How a Small Church Can Make A Big Impact This Christmas
How can small churches have a big impact on their community this Christmas? Here are some ideas from guest writer Carolyn Wentzel from City South Church.
Green, Red, And Blue Outreach at Christmas
What are effective ways to reach out at Christmas and have a year-long effect? This Christmas, use creative ways to engage felt needs in your community and create unforgettable experiences for children and families at your church. Ideas that any size church can use in rural or urban settings.
Pitfalls, Problems, and Partners
What support is offered for pastors in the ABNWT? Outbound leadership is hard work and done best together with similarly impassioned and equipped practitioners. Leaders will benefit from a cohort of hill climbers to help them face pitfalls and problems.
How's Your "ELPO?"
Fifty-three times in the New Testament, the Greek word 'Elpo' or one of its derivatives is used, which translates as 'Hope.' What is our Hope based on? Here are five thoughts, an octane boost to your spiritual fuel to help you spread 'Elpo.'
Spurred On In Ministry
What do ABNWT cohorts offer me? Our passion in the ABNWT is to develop a legion of leaders whose sole focus is to obey the Great Commission, lead prevailing, relentlessly outbound ministries, and raise up the next generation of adaptive leaders. Being in a cohort is an opportunity for leaders to skill up and receive support and coaching on some of the biggest internal and external challenges.
Prevailing With A Little Help From My Friends
What are cohorts, and is there a cohort in the ABNWT for me? Leaders want their ministry to prevail but are challenged to sustain progress against resistance. Here’s where the cohort model comes in: you aren’t alone. You’ll face these challenges with support, resources, encouragement, and peer coaching.
How to Train Your Board Members
How are you training your board members? Don’t just leave your board members alone to try and figure it out themselves; start intentionally training them NOW. Remember, the success and effectiveness of this leadership team will benefit your church for years to come.
The Missing Piece
What is your church's 'inviteability' factor? I know it's not a real word, but 'inviteability' is the key piece to growing your church. Don't just tell your people to invite, model it, teach it, train on it, tell stories about it and celebrate it.
5 Ways to Appreciate Your Pastor This October
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. How can I show appreciation to my pastor? Here are five ways to appreciate your pastor during the month of October.
Why go to church?
If you are wondering, as a leader, how to answer the question, ‘Why go to Church?’ here are a few suggestions that may help as you deal with the dissenter.
'Tis the Season To Be Dreaming of Christmas
How do we reach and retain more people this Christmas? This year could be the FIRST time people in your community attend an in-person Christmas event at a church in a long time or even a lifetime.
What A Younger Canada Means For Your Church
It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but the age demographics are shifting in Canada, which, in turn, is creating some waves around the nation in health care, labour and education. Stats Can reports that: Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996 and between 25 and 40 years old in 2021, are the fastest-growing generation and account for the largest share of the working population (33.2%).
A Call to Prayer
As ministers, prayer must be the engine that drives everything we do. We cannot move ahead without guidance and direction from God in prayer. Prayer allows us to unload our burdens before God and to take on His direction in our lives. Prayer is never rote or mechanical; it is always vibrant and alive, a real-time conversation with the creator of the universe.
Club or KIngdom?
Is the church a club for Christians, or is it a force for Kingdom expansion? When Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not stand against it” (Matthew 16:18), was He thinking of a Sunday AM service with 40 minutes of singing and 40 minutes of preaching? Was he thinking of an audience listening to one person talk at them?
Relentlessly Outbound
Would you consider your church relentlessly outbound? Most Canadian churches are not relentlessly outbound. Most church budgets are focused on staff salaries and building costs. Most pastors and staff spend the majority of their time with Christians. We’ve turned into “Christian Training Centres” or “Clubs for Christians” rather than a Missional Movement; a force of Christ-followers on a mission to reach a lost world.
The LoveArmy
How can our church become an unignorable force of good in our community? The LoveArmy is mobilizing Christians to allow God to work through them, and we would love for other churches and Christians to join in with us.