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Vitalizing For Fruitfulness: Stories From The Frontlines
How does vitalization benefit the ministry of a local church? The experience of vitalization in local churches is unique to each church, but the outcomes add fruitfulness to faithfulness in all; two congregations located on two sides of the country, two vitalization experiences, and two similar outcomes after following very different pathways. The pastors share their journeys leading established, traditional congregations into the outbound mission.
How Your Church Can Become A Community Champion
How can our congregation increase its influence for Jesus in the community? Imagine your church being promoted by your mayor and city councillors. Can you dream of when your leadership is asked and funded to facilitate events for your town or city? Those opportunities are not only possible, but they are also highly plausible.
When A Church Has No Interest in Entertaining Nominalism
What steps can a pastor take to lead a congregation into missional efforts? Cornerstone Community Church is a testimony that small churches in small communities with small budgets can have ‘big vision’ and big expectations in a big God with incredible results.
What are your Vacation Plans for the Summer?
Why a summer holiday? If you are not scheduling time away for a complete break from ministry this summer, you are robbing yourself, your spouse, and your children of one of the greatest gifts you can give.
Small Town Pastors and A Big Dreams God
How can a pastor in a rural community with a small congregation make a meaningful difference? You believe a church community is a good thing, but many people in your small town think churches are a waste of real estate and a tax burden. Tony Warriner shows how to see opportunities to make your church a light for the community and a champion of the gospel.
The Power of Engage Sundays in Your Community
What you give your time to shows what you value. Worship and preaching occupy most of the time most of Sundays that Christians gather. What if an occasional Sunday throughout the year was used to lift the value of sharing the gospel in your community? All it takes is a little inspiration to create momentum.
How A Traditional Church Can Change
How can a pastor lead change in a traditional church? Evangel Church was one of the most traditional churches in its District. Inward focused. Isolated from the local community. Twenty years later it is one of the most outbound, community-engaged churches in the District.
Turn Around Churches In Canada
I hope to see a movement of churches in Canada across denominations go from plateaued and declining to thriving by reaching lost people in their locale. I pray for an enormous increase in Salvations across Canada with reports of life transformation by the Gospel. I long for churches that make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.
Let’s not lose a generation - Addressing the Gen Z Mental Health Crisis
The research found teens and young adults feel extremely depressed, anxious, stressed, and lonely. Here are three essentials for pastors in counteracting this trend through the ministry of the Church.
The Top 5 Results of Poor Volunteer Training and How to Fix Them
How can we equip volunteers for success? Sometimes we’re afraid to offer training to our volunteers. We tell ourselves people are smart and don’t need anyone to boss them around anyway.
Being Guest Friendly In The Summer
When it comes to summer Sunday guests, think hospitality. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to determine if you’re welcome at someone’s home. The same is true at church.
5 Things Your Church Website Needs Now
Your church website is the front door of your church. If anyone is thinking about checking out your church, they will go to the website first. Here are 5 things your church website needs now.
Getting Your Church Admin “Ducks in a Row”
Church Administration. Many leaders struggle because they see paper-pushing and data entry as non-ministry-related tasks. What if we could shift that mindset? What if we could see admin as a vital part of the ministry and the mechanism that allows churches to serve people better?
Adrenalin – too much – too often – too dangerous
How can we deal with stress in a healthy way? Find out what the dangers are of relying on adrenalin to handle daily stress.
Family Encounters Help The Whole Family Encounter God, Together.
How do you reach mixed ages and demographics and teach all of the biblical truths and foundations of the faith? For the parents in your church, there is nothing more important than knowing their children understand the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. Partnering with parents in their child's spiritual formation will lead to healthy families who are disciples of Christ and represent Jesus in your community.
Three Ways to Effectively Partner with The North
If you desire to reach lost people, serve a community, and partner with a local church to make Kingdom impact, you don’t need to travel overseas to have a meaningful cross-cultural experience.
Three Takeaways From General Conference 2022
After four years away, over 500 delegates were excited to join in person. There was also much thought and care given to those attending virtually. All in all, the sense of the event was positive and filled with anticipation.
A legacy in motion
What will our next 75 years look like? While it is impossible to predict what society will look like in the future, we can be sure that we will strive to accomplish our four core values regardless.