A legacy in motion

At the end of April, Vanguard College celebrated a milestone in its mission of developing and mobilizing Spirit-empowered leaders to be fruitful in God’s mission. For 75 years, Vanguard has been equipping men and women to be game-changers, culture shapers, and gospel proclaimers, which is a total of roughly 3,500 people!

This legacy is not a stagnant one that lives in a bygone era. It is a legacy that is in motion. It continues to push forward. And while the language of the mission has changed throughout the years, it always comes back to the words of Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Watch our 75th-anniversary video HERE.

What will our next 75 years look like? While it is impossible to predict what society will look like in the future, we can be sure that as a college, we will strive to accomplish our four core values regardless.

  1. We will hold to the supremacy of God’s Word.

  2. We will strive for disciplined spiritual formation for our students.

  3. We will work hard to prepare and mobilize skilled workers.

  4. We will constantly proclaim and practice God’s kingdom in our daily lives.

We are constantly grateful for the support of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, especially those in our immediate district. Please continue to pray for the mission of God to be accomplished in and through Vanguard College. And may all our efforts ultimately reflect God’s legacy in motion.

Guest Author:

Tiffany McPhate
Pastoral Program Coordinator
Vanguard College