Maturity Equals Reproduction - Discipleship Pathway Part 6

We are called to spiritual maturity (Hebrews 5:14, Hebrews 6:1-2). There is an expectation that Christ-followers will start out as spiritual infants and mature over time. But a key element of maturity is not our age. There are many believers who are older in years but act very spiritually immaturely. This is because we have erroneously defined maturity as “tenure”. When really, spiritual maturity is about reproduction.

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Leadership, Assimilation, Coaching, Theology Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Assimilation, Coaching, Theology Jeremiah Raible

First John Two Discipleship - Discipleship Pathway Part 5

We look at the pattern we see in 1 John chapter 2. As you read through this chapter, you’ll begin to see a pattern that John is developing – “little children” (v12), “young men” (v14), “fathers” (v15). The terms John is using is referring to spiritual development and not actual age.

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Leadership, Assimilation, Caring For Your Church Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Assimilation, Caring For Your Church Jeremiah Raible

Begin with the End in Mind - Discipleship Pathway Part 4

We all get the job description for Christians – “Go and Make Disciples” (Matthew 28:19). But the question I often get asked is, “How do you make disciples?” This is a great question and one that the church in North America hasn’t answered very well. We’ve made attenders and singers and listeners, but I wonder about our ability to make disciples.

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