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Transforming Teenagers into Leaders
It's exciting to think about the untapped potential in the lives of our young people. We are given this opportunity to develop these lives and watch God do incredible things in and through them!
7 Ways To Reach Kids and Families This Summer
This summer, families and kids are looking for opportunities to build community and connections. Your church is primed and ready to create experiences that facilitate this! Here are some ideas to get you inspired.
Why The Canadian Church Can't Return To Normal and What To Do Now
As the world begins to open back up, travel restrictions loosen, and mandates relax, the tendency is to want to get back to the way things were. For the church, this wouldn’t be the best idea.
5 Tips to Helping Tweens Move Up to Youth Ministry
Grade 6's moving into a group of older teens can feel uncertain and need to find acceptance. Here are five tips to help tweens happily find their place.
How to Host a Family Lego Event at Your Church
Lego is one of the greatest toys ever, isn’t it? It even says ages 4-99 on the box. It spans ages, genders, languages, and is as creative as you want it to be. This is why a Family Lego Event is fantastic for any size church.
How to Host a One Day Fun Day
As a church, this challenge is a great opportunity to meet the needs of families in your community. In 2021, we started hosting ONE DAY FUN DAY events on PD Days. We’re a small church and have seen amazing growth within our events and some of that growth has transferred to our weekend gatherings.
Ministers Gathering 2022 "Together"
Over 500 attendees joined us in Banff or online for a time of refreshing, renewal and restoring. Every session was inspiring, challenging, and a reminder that none of us do this alone, we are Together. Check out how to playback the sessions.
Bridge Events: Building Bridges to Christ
We have found Bridge Events to be a great way to build better bridges for the people in our community. A Bridge Event is a community-focused activity designed to attract people who do not typically attend church.
Maturity Equals Reproduction - Discipleship Pathway Part 6
We are called to spiritual maturity (Hebrews 5:14, Hebrews 6:1-2). There is an expectation that Christ-followers will start out as spiritual infants and mature over time. But a key element of maturity is not our age. There are many believers who are older in years but act very spiritually immaturely. This is because we have erroneously defined maturity as “tenure”. When really, spiritual maturity is about reproduction.
First John Two Discipleship - Discipleship Pathway Part 5
We look at the pattern we see in 1 John chapter 2. As you read through this chapter, you’ll begin to see a pattern that John is developing – “little children” (v12), “young men” (v14), “fathers” (v15). The terms John is using is referring to spiritual development and not actual age.
Begin with the End in Mind - Discipleship Pathway Part 4
We all get the job description for Christians – “Go and Make Disciples” (Matthew 28:19). But the question I often get asked is, “How do you make disciples?” This is a great question and one that the church in North America hasn’t answered very well. We’ve made attenders and singers and listeners, but I wonder about our ability to make disciples.
Establishing Trust and Relationship as a Workplace Chaplain
How does your role as a chaplain in the business world differ from your role as a pastor? Al Downey sits down with Marketplace Chaplain, Seeon Smith, to discover more.
Present The Gospel and Invite People To Respond - Discipleship Pathway Part 3
No matter what you’re preaching about, take 3 minutes and preach the gospel. Simply say, “You may be here and you’re not following Jesus in the way we’ve been talking about today. Let me tell you …” and then just go for it.
Kids Church Library is The Go To For All Things Kids Ministry
The Kids Church Library is for you. It’s a one-stop resource for all things kids ministry and it’s populated by actual children’s ministers and ministries. You can access everything you need for a powerful children’s ministry right here.
I Was in Prison and You Visited Me!
An interview with Women’s Reintegration Chaplain, Debbie Fawcett, about the challenges and rewards of helping women make a transition from prison back into the community.
They Come For Many Reasons, They Stay Because They Make Friends – Discipleship Pathway Part 2
Ask a church member why they’re at the church. Ask any parent why they go to the church they go to. They will all have the same answer, “We have friends here.”
10 Loving Ways to Exercise Stewardship Over Our Own Mental Health
Guarding mental health may be a daily challenge but with God’s grace and putting these practical steps into action, we can overcome.
Fishing Lessons – Discipleship Pathway Part 1
We know the line well, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). We’ve preached on it, we’ve used it on a bulletin, and we may have even printed it on a t-shirt. But do we understand what Jesus was saying when He said that we would become “fishers of men”?