Fishing Lessons – Discipleship Pathway Part 1

Discipleship Pathway is a 6-part blog series that walks through the entire discipleship process; from someone who is far from God (the skeptic, the curious, the cynic) to someone who is close to God (the convinced, the sold-out, the on fire). We’ll be looking at each of the steps of a discipleship pathway. 

Discipleship Pathway Part 1

Fishing Lessons

We know the line well, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). We’ve preached on it, we’ve used it on a bulletin, we may have even printed it on a T-shirt. But do we understand what Jesus was saying when He said that we would become “fishers of men”? 

Fishing is Both the Metaphor and the Method

The metaphor Jesus used was not an accident. He was directly referencing the process of evangelism and seeing souls come into the kingdom. We must remember that to fulfill the Great Commission will require us to go fishing. The idea of actively participating in the salvation of souls can’t be lost on us as we seek to partner with the Holy Spirit to see peoples’ lives transformed. But make no mistake, we must fish. 

Fishing for Souls Must Be Intentional

You plan for a fishing trip, right? You know the location, the weather, and the type of fish. You do your research, you invite some friends, and you even bring some snacks. You are intentional in your preparation and planning – why? So, you can catch fish. The motivation to catch fish should drive us to intentionally plan and prepare when fishing for souls. Do you know your community? Do you know the gift mix within your own congregation that you can mobilize? Do you have relationships with other community builders? Do you know the opportunities that are available? You must plan. You must prepare. You must be intentional. Fish aren’t looking for you, you need to look for the fish. 

Bait the Hook for the Fish You’re Trying to Catch

Fishermen know that you need to use different bait to catch different fish. In the same way, we must understand the fish we are trying to catch and make sure we are baiting the hook in ways that will connect with them. For example, many churches are in communities where the vast majority of families have young children (most towns in Alberta have this as the largest demographic). Churches can offer programming and events geared directly to those families. They can hire a children’s or family pastor. They can provide high-quality programming for kids so that when the kids go to school, they will be so excited and brag about it to their friends. This is an example of baiting the hook. It’s not a sales tactic. It’s good fishing sense. Remember,70-80% of adults in your community fit in the “skeptic, cynic, curious” category. Are you talking to them? Are you connecting with them? Are you inviting them? 

Connection and Conversation are What Fishing in Canada Looks Like

When we’ve talked “fishing for souls” in the past, it had a very “used car salesperson” type feel; give them a pitch, get them to sign on the dotted line, and then you’re done. This couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to fishing for human souls. You and I must see this whole process as connecting with, talking to, and loving our neighbours again, and again, and again. You are not a salesperson; you are a fellow traveller. You are simply talking, telling, and inviting people into the best decision you’ve ever made, following Jesus. In every outreach you do, you should be asking “where are we connecting?” “Where are we dialoguing?” and, “Where are they going to feel loved?” If it isn’t happening, then change what you’re doing. If there is no connection and conversation, you won’t be seeing them again. Don’t just “do an outreach” or “give away cookies” – make connections!!!  

Net Fishing vs. Rod and Reel Fishing

This is a huge concept to understand. When Jesus spoke of fishing, the original hearers would have understood that the way to fish is to net fish. This is when a bunch of people hold a net and fish together. We tend to think of fishing on our own. Although this is a way to fish, the most effective way to evangelize is together, where each person does their part to “hold the net” and more people can connect with Jesus. The church is not a building, it’s a collection of people with different gifts and desires who work together to see more people become followers of Jesus. The church is the perfect “net” in the river to catch fish. But we need to work together, and we need to be an effective net (patch up the holes). 

Are you ready to go fishing? This is the pivotal part of a discipleship pathway – discipling non-Christians. As your church begins to do this, you will see more people join the journey of following Jesus. 


Jeremiah Raible

Jeremiah works as an Effectiveness Coach with the ABNWT District of the PAOC. He is a passionate and creative leader who believes that the church is the hope of the world. He uses collaboration, innovation, and inspiration to challenge churches and their leadership to engage in the only mission Jesus ever sent his church on: making disciples.


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