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Life After Covid: Think Like a Church Planter
This fall, when Covid restrictions are lifted, we will see the largest opportunity for Gospel impact that we’ve seen in decades. Churches who are prepared for this are going to reap a harvest of salvations. However, the harvest you reap will depend on the seed you sow.
5 Things I’ve Learned From Moving to Barrhead
I was asked to share some of the things I learned since moving to Barrhead from Logan Lake, BC. Here are five things I discovered.
19 Ideas To Reach Your Community On Mother’s Day
Mothers Day Weekend, May 8-9, 2021, is a time to spoil Moms with treats and surprises. While we have been isolating, Moms everywhere are working harder than ever. What better time to say, “Thank you” and honour the moms and women in your community!
4 Traits To Become A Leader Worth Following
Do today’s leaders know what it takes to mentor the next generation? Here are four things we all need to influence young leaders.
Ready to Engage and Followup at Easter?
As you head into these final few weeks leading up to Easter just think of all the people who will be invited to your online and onsite experiences. Imagine all those people engaging and receiving personalized, follow-up messages from you. Are you ready?
Easter Ideas and Resources
In this blog you will find helpful ideas and resources for creating your Easter Experience whether you are in person or online, needing an online plug and play, or simply some Pinterest ideas to enrich what you are already planning.
Pastor Joachim's Adaptive Change
Pastor Joachim Chisanga is one of the millions of people on the move for reasons benign and tragic. He misses the warmer, free, expressive climate and worship in southern Africa but he has adapted to southern Alberta. His perspective on adapting to change and leading outbound, adaptive change is informative.
Kids Min Leaders CAN Crush it During COVID!
Updated resources to access The Alberta Government or AHS for clarification on COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Links to helpful sites to empower Kids Min leaders.
The Secret of Medium-Sized Communities
Medium-Sized Communities (MSC) are where you belong before you believe. They are safe step before a person chooses to become a part of a small group. MSCs are an environment where the unengaged get engaged in biblical community, the lost come to know Jesus, leaders are developed, lives are restored, care and prayer happens both in and outside of the groups, and both introverts and extroverts find community. It’s the “one anothers” being lived out.
Developing a Digital Discipleship Pathway
God is doing miracles through online outreach. Here’s the reality: Church attendance is not decreasing; it’s decentralizing. Digital channels do not compete with physical attendance, they partner with it. A discipleship pathway will serve you in making digital disciples.
Creating a Discipleship Pathway
A “Discipleship pathway” is the intentional route, steps, and paths in your church to develop missionary disciples for Kingdom impact. It is the engine for the effectiveness of your mission. The goal for a discipleship pathway is never to get someone through it; the goal is to get individuals to own it. As long as the church owns the pathway, the only possible response for an individual is consumption. When something is ours, a shift happens inside of us, and we tend to approach it in a fundamentally different way.
Sail the Church into New Post-COVID Worlds - but Be Sure Your Ship is Solid
Things we must take with us as leaders into the future of the Church.
Online Hope for Easter Weekend 2021
Easter spells hope. Clarity creates certainty. No one knows for sure what gathering restrictions will be like at Easter. AHS Step 3 may go into effect on March 22nd. What that means for gathering restrictions is unknown. Planning for an onsite AND an online service this Easter weekend creates certainty for your team and congregation and hope for seekers in your community.
Accountability: The Secret Sauce of Discipleship
Our world desperately needs disciples who not only call themselves Christians, but who reflect Jesus. The accountability factor is what takes a micro-shift from the individual level to the church-wide level and where you can begin seeing discipleship as a system from a thirty-thousand-foot level. When a micro-shift is made at this level, your church will embark on a new trajectory to both spiritual and numerical growth.