KJ Recommends

A good recommendation can change your life.

Ten years ago, Ryan Wegner changed my life. He introduced me to the croissant-glazed donuts from Safeway. 

I fell in love immediately. 

These donuts have transformed every visit to Safeway for me, including my jaunt there yesterday. I was sorely disappointed to find those donuts sold out for the day. I cannot say how long the grieving process will be, but thanks for your support.

When it comes to podcasts, books, games, and the like, it usually takes a recommendation to convince me to take the plunge. So for those who similarly enjoy a good suggestion, here we have my first installment of my list of favourites. Do with them as you like.


Canadian Church Leaders Podcast

Canadian Church Leaders Network, along with Jason Ballard, relaunched this podcast in 2020. Jason and his guests continually challenge me in life, ministry, and my relationship with Jesus. 

A constant theme that continually rises to the surface is the dependence on prayer. Great leaders all over the world are keenly aware of their reliance on God. 

At the Table with Patrick Lencioni

I was first exposed to Lencioni at the Global Leadership Summit many years ago and since then he has easily been one of my greatest influences as a leader.

As an extension of his company, Table Group, Lencioni and his team have continued their influence, now in podcast form. Lencioni has a way of communicating dynamic leadership principles in simple, memorable ways.


When you need a break from comparing your life to the highlight reel of your ‘friends’, check these out.

The Bible is Funny

The Bible is Funny will illuminate scripture in a new way, providing a laugh or two along the way.

Entre Leadership

Entre Leadership assembles the best leadership thinking from all over the world and shares bite-sized, thought-provoking concepts.


Working Genius Assessment 

I love personality/workplace assessments. From Myers/Briggs, Birkman, DISC, Standout, Enneagram and the many others, I have gained a lot of clarity on who I am and what I bring to the table. But I recently discovered a newer one that has added a whole new level of personal understanding.

Re-enter the Table Group and Patrick Lencioni. This new assessment is called The Six Types of Working Genius and was recently released in late 2020. This tool seeks to reveal the ‘genius’ that each of us bring to work. Of the six categories, we generally have two that frustrate, two that we are competent in, and two in which we excel.

Unpacking the results (with the help of an additional Working Genius Podcast) has proved to be nothing short of transformative for me. I have found incredible clarity to my working style, which has allowed me an understanding of who I need to surround myself with; those who exude genius where I am frustrated. 

I am confident that this will be a tool that dramatically transforms individuals and teams going forward. The assessment currently costs $25 USD but be on the lookout for promo codes that are out there.


I hope you enjoy a few of these recommendations. I would love to hear from you. What are your favourite podcasts, books, Instagram follows and resources?

Grab a donut from Safeway and let’s grow our leadership together. 


Kevin Janzen

Kevin is the husband to Kristin, dad to Livia, Lincoln, and Lennon, and serves as Next Gen Coach for ABNWT. Kevin has a passion to see women and men discover and grow in their unique, God-given purpose.


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