Kids Min Leaders CAN Crush it During COVID!

In Our Ever-Changing Circumstance ….

I celebrate you as the most incredible innovative Children’s Ministry Leaders of the century! You were called to where you are for such a time as this. You are pressing on to create experiences for kids and families to discover more of their faith and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ whether in-person, online or in an experience box. There are some incredible stories I am hearing of Children’s Ministries reaching out to their community to meet a practical need – this is amazing! 

If you need any help interpreting the AB Government or AHS guidelines don’t hesitate to contact me, let’s talk through your context, or read the information below to see if it brings clarity. 

To clarify any elements of your programming, or operating in your building, contact: GOA BizConnect.

In answer to my many questions to clarify the restrictions and guidelines, the Biz Connect Team sent me this communication: 

“In your church, you’re limited to 15% of the total operational occupant load of the whole building, not each room. The occupant load is determined in accordance with the Alberta Fire Code. A document with information on calculating occupancy requirements can be found here

The guidance for childcare has not changed in some time. Childcare programs may operate in cohorts of 30 people. This includes all staff, volunteers, and children. Different staff, volunteers, and children could be a part of the same cohort but the number should never exceed 30.  

The pastor, tech people, musicians, vocalists, ushers, greeters, teachers/preachers, facilities staff, and volunteers all count towards your 15% of the total operational occupant load. 

For weddings and funerals, the number of 20 includes the officiant, bride, groom, and witnesses, but does not include funeral service or facility staff, funeral clergy, or event organizers who are not considered an invited guest. 

A friendly reminder that virtual or online services are still recommended whenever possible.” 

Biz Connect Team

Reference Number: 0004-4 

For advice on how to carry out children’s programming, this information was given from AHS: 

Subject: RE: Kids Ministry Guidelines

From the attached documents, and information available, the church would be allowed to run children’s ministries with the following guidelines in place:

  • 15% of fire code capacity for the relevant space (or if no known capacity/room – limit it to where children and staff can be physically distanced by at least 2 metres and based on general knowledge of fire code capacity)

  • ensuring that children and staff/volunteers are masked as required

  • screening (as per worship requirements)

  • attendance for each of the classes is taken and available for contact tracing purposes

  • hand sanitizer should be available

  • children and staff are physically distanced

  • any activities crafts should be individual/not shared/communal areas.

  • enhanced cleaning and disinfection processes (would fall under main church processes)

  • may require a plan for washroom use to minimize the amount of groups mixing (may already be in place for whole church)

  • follow the COVID guidance for daycare/out of school care with the exception of the capacity, which would need to follow as above for church ministry activities (also in box taken from documents provided).

  • the guidance will provide specific information for diapering/toy washing/shared items (no water or sand table play for example)

Places of Worship may host in-person faith-based classes and meetings (i.e., Sunday School) may occur with gathering limits of 15% of fire code capacity for the relevant space, masking, and physical distancing.

In-person faith group meetings and other religious gatherings at private residences are not permitted.

Operators may offer child minding during faith-based programs or classes, in adherence with the Guidance for Daycare/Out of School.

Chelsey Velthuizen, AHS

Please keep in mind this discovery many of us have made regarding COVID restrictions and guidelines: different responses from AHS and Biz Connect will continue to occur, but the bottom line is, what these provincial authorities are looking for is that your church is following “Best Practises” and that your posture is to interpret the guidelines as best as possible in your specific setting. “Throwing caution to the wind” or non-compliance is NOT acceptable, this posture risks the spread of Covid-19, as well as jeopardizes The Church’s credibility and reputation.  

Carry on as distributors of the most important message in life: the love and salvation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Cheering you on and praying.


Kathy Zelman

Kathy has worked with kids and families for over 30 years in church settings (small, medium, cross-cultural, large and mega-sized churches), school settings and early childhood settings. She is presently the Children and Family Ministries specialist at the ABNWT District Resource Centre. She thrives on collaborating and coaching leaders, helping them thrive.


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