Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones

Starbucks, Micro-Shifts and Discipleship

25 years ago Starbucks made a shift. If Starbucks had only focused on the what, without making an intentional shift to the where and when, they would not have experienced the widespread success that they have. After all, people do not just go to Starbucks for the coffee; they also go to relax, read, work, and have conversations. This micro-shift led to a macro-change in the coffee-drinking culture. What if you could make a similar micro-shift as a church leader that would result in a macro-change in your disciple making culture? What if this micro-shift would set your church on a trajectory to both spiritual and numerical growth? Would you consider it?

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First Impressions Bob Jones First Impressions Bob Jones

17 Ways For Love To Be Seen

She felt a nervous excitement signing up for the women’s event. It wasn’t easy to do, but she reasoned that spending time with other Christian women would allow her to meet friends and find a welcome into the life of her new church. No one welcomed her. Everyone was busy. The only seat open was a corner one on the very last row. Every occupied chair seemed to scream, “You aren’t welcome here. We already have friends, and you aren’t one of them.” Of course, this was not the intent. Still, it was a memory she never forgot.

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Pop Up Blessings - How A Church Can Continually Touch Their Community With the Love Of Jesus.

It doesn’t have to be a huge carnival. It doesn’t have to be a musical that takes months to prepare and dozens of volunteers. It doesn’t need a whole lot of money to make it happen. I’m talking about showing God’s love by blessing your community.

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Leadership, Self Care Bob Jones Leadership, Self Care Bob Jones

Resilience Through The Lens of Science, Gandalf, and a Thorn

If you are lucky enough to never experience any sort of adversity, you won’t know how resilient you are. It’s only when you’re faced with obstacles, stress, and other threats that resilience, or the lack of it, emerges: Do you succumb or do you surmount? The good news is, resilience can be developed in unlimited quantities. Take it from Gandalf, science and the apostle Paul.

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Make Your Church Visible for Easter 2021

Are you thinking about Easter 2021 yet? Wondering if restrictions will be lifted? Will we be able to gather onsite and if so, what percentage of capacity will be allowed? There is a good possibility that church this Easter will look a lot more like 2020 than 2019. The good news is you don’t have to wait until Easter to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus.

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Bob Jones Bob Jones

7 Cultural Shifts From the Chaos of 2020

In December 2019, the future seemed so clear. But then 2020 happened, and you know how the story goes. COVID-19 struck. And the world fast-forwarded five years in five months. Now we’re in December 2020. What adaptive changes should you consider now to reach more people for Jesus? 7 shifts that can help stir your thinking.

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