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Starbucks, Micro-Shifts and Discipleship
25 years ago Starbucks made a shift. If Starbucks had only focused on the what, without making an intentional shift to the where and when, they would not have experienced the widespread success that they have. After all, people do not just go to Starbucks for the coffee; they also go to relax, read, work, and have conversations. This micro-shift led to a macro-change in the coffee-drinking culture. What if you could make a similar micro-shift as a church leader that would result in a macro-change in your disciple making culture? What if this micro-shift would set your church on a trajectory to both spiritual and numerical growth? Would you consider it?
17 Ways For Love To Be Seen
She felt a nervous excitement signing up for the women’s event. It wasn’t easy to do, but she reasoned that spending time with other Christian women would allow her to meet friends and find a welcome into the life of her new church. No one welcomed her. Everyone was busy. The only seat open was a corner one on the very last row. Every occupied chair seemed to scream, “You aren’t welcome here. We already have friends, and you aren’t one of them.” Of course, this was not the intent. Still, it was a memory she never forgot.
Why Obsession is a Quality of the Boldly Resilient
Obsession may seem like a sinister thing in Hollywood movies, but it's fuel when it's directed toward godly outcomes. Those who obsess over their mission are likely to stick with their work well beyond the time the non-obsessed have given up. Obsession is a passion of the resilient.
Important Invitations to the Decision-Making Table
As church leaders move into the future it would serve us well to be exposed to the diversity of the world. If we aren’t, our default mental models will create a single-story narrative to help us make sense by making simplistic assumptions that ensure our comfort and keep us from having to change.
Annual Congregational Business Meetings in 2021
As COVID-19 continues to affect in-person gatherings for churches, congregations need to once again consider options for conducting annual congregational business meetings. Here are some answers to questions you may have.
39 Practical Ways to Build Resilience
Resilience can be developed by anybody of any age. Leaders across Canada offered their personal practices that helped them build resilience. Good for you, your family and your team.
Unleash The Potential Of The Storm
Our role is to put our feet into the water, He will provide the wind and create the way forward.
Pop Up Blessings - How A Church Can Continually Touch Their Community With the Love Of Jesus.
It doesn’t have to be a huge carnival. It doesn’t have to be a musical that takes months to prepare and dozens of volunteers. It doesn’t need a whole lot of money to make it happen. I’m talking about showing God’s love by blessing your community.
Observable Stages of Leadership Response During COVID
Helping leaders understand the way they have processed COVID in stages from the onset to the present.
Resilience Through The Lens of Science, Gandalf, and a Thorn
If you are lucky enough to never experience any sort of adversity, you won’t know how resilient you are. It’s only when you’re faced with obstacles, stress, and other threats that resilience, or the lack of it, emerges: Do you succumb or do you surmount? The good news is, resilience can be developed in unlimited quantities. Take it from Gandalf, science and the apostle Paul.
Make Your Church Visible for Easter 2021
Are you thinking about Easter 2021 yet? Wondering if restrictions will be lifted? Will we be able to gather onsite and if so, what percentage of capacity will be allowed? There is a good possibility that church this Easter will look a lot more like 2020 than 2019. The good news is you don’t have to wait until Easter to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus.
Four Ways To Bounce Back After a Loss
Great teams learn how to bounce back after a loss. Great people do as well. So, how do you bounce back after a difficult Sunday? Or Board meeting? Or a message you weren’t fully prepared to deliver? Or a volunteer resignation? How do you deal with the raw emotions that surface and work to rise above them? What’s your bounce-back plan?
15 People Pastors Need to Know in Your Community
Because life advances at the speed of trust, building relationships on integrity and respect is a welcomed support for community leaders. COVID magnified the need for relational community strength and accelerated change. Make the effort in 2021 to personally be familiar with all 15 leaders on this list.
5 Stories of Building Resilience
A Canadian Olympian, a psychotherapist, a hip hop dancer, a pastor and two global development workers walk into adversity. And no, this isn't a set-up line for a joke. These are real people in real adversity and what you can learn from how they developed resilience to be their best.
3 Unexpected Sources of Resilience
Feel like quitting? You are not alone. Cut yourself some slack. Have you ever been through a pandemic before? None of us have. You possess more resilience than you imagine.
New Metrics For A New Season
How do pastors gauge ministry effectiveness during COVID? Our metrics must shift in this season.
Rooted In Resilience
Have you noticed? ABNWT pastors are gritty. You’ve combined passion and perseverance to find a way through the adversity, trauma, and threats of a pandemic. Resilience is what gives grit its elasticity, which is why RESILIENT is a good choice for the word of the year in 2021.
7 Cultural Shifts From the Chaos of 2020
In December 2019, the future seemed so clear. But then 2020 happened, and you know how the story goes. COVID-19 struck. And the world fast-forwarded five years in five months. Now we’re in December 2020. What adaptive changes should you consider now to reach more people for Jesus? 7 shifts that can help stir your thinking.