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8 Things To Do In Your Church Building While It is Empty
Currently, most of our church buildings are emptier than they’ve ever been. This is a great opportunity to get some things done before people return.
3 Things to Understand When Looking At Your Online Church Metrics
When you post your service to Facebook, YouTube or any online platform, you’ll usually be able to see how many people have “viewed” the service or see how many people are watching along.
4 Ideas To Celebrate Moms in Quarantine
Next to Easter, Mothers Day is an incredible opportunity for the church to see visitors.
3 Next Gen Leadership Shifts Needed When We Re-open
When we re-open church church will look different and in the same way our leadership will need to shift as well.
Don’t Neglect the 4–14
If we can reach them before the age of 14, we won’t have a rescue operation when they are older.
The One About Disruption, Digital and Smart Stewardship
We are in the middle of a great disruption. And that’s OK. Coronavirus has pushed all of online. Stay online, and go bigger. Digital is stewardship at it’s best.
Avoiding COVID-19 Causticity
It is essential that we as Believers, and especially as Believing Leaders, not add to the increasing flow of caustic vitriol present in social media.
Setting Up and Hosting Online Alpha
Alpha Online is proving to be an effective way for churches to introduce people to next steps and engaging guests from their weekend broadcasts. Many are finding lasting faith in Jesus. And Alpha Canada has made it free and easy to use.
Annual Congregational Business Meetings in COVID-19
Churches were about to hold annual congregational business meetings. Should we proceed with a virtual meeting? Can we delay the annual meeting? Here's some information to guide your decision.
Don't Leave Isolation Without This
Before you leave isolation ask yourself, “Has isolation been my wake-up call? Have I heard from God? Did I learn anything about solitude?”
4 Things that will Kill your Next Gen Ministry if ignored during Covid-19
Next Gen leaders have stepped up huge during Covid-19. But how can a youth pastor continue to step up and not lose their students during this unique time in our history?
COVID-19 & Federal Government Financial Assistance for Churches & Ministries
Federal Government funding is available to churches. What do you need to know? Here's some information on 4 programs being offered.
10 Best Practices for Returning Onsite Stronger
The Church needs to come back stronger to show communities that places of worship will be the safest in your community. Questions to help you build best practices for your onsite return.
Return Stronger
In a crisis every action and decision we make shapes our future. You are determined to come out the other side stronger than you were before. But you’re not sure of your next steps. Make simplicity your guide.
8 Steps Pastors and Boards Need to Take Now
The COVID-19 crisis will end. Pastors and Boards need to be thinking now about returning stronger. The Lord of the Church wants to direct your steps to maximize this opportunity, leverage the potential momentum, and make a lasting impact in your community.
Connecting With Volunteers Virtually
It’s important that we continue to connect with our volunteers virtually when we can’t meet physically. Here are five ways to connect with your volunteers.
5 Outreach Opportunities to Prepare for When Quarantine is Lifted
While we may not exactly know what life will look like post COVID-19, we can anticipate some needs that will emerge that can be opportunities to serve others and make Jesus known.