10 Best Practices for Returning Onsite Stronger

In a crisis every action and decision we make shapes our future. You’re determined to come out the other side stronger than you were before. The Church needs to come back stronger to show communities that places of worship will be the safest in your community.


Answering the following questions will lead to best practises for your onsite return.


Questions To Guide A Strong Return

1. How will you assure the most vulnerable – those with breathing problems and seniors – they are safe to return to your community? Will you do temperature checks at the entrance to your facility? Will you assign someone to monitor and correct/direct physical distancing?


2. How will you welcome people when hugs, handshakes, fist-bumps, high-fives and elbow touches are off the table? The stand and greet, pass-the-peace moments are history now. So is passing the offering plate. How will you communicate friendliness at a distance? Will you serve coffee?


3. Will your greeters and pastoral staff wear masks in the foyer? At the altar? For prayer?


4. How often will you sanitize touch points like door handles, push plates, sound boards, horizontal surfaces, washrooms, and POS machines? Will you decommission drinking fountains? 


5. How will you make guests feel welcome, wanted and safe? How will your congregation respond to strangers? 


6. How will you redesign the function of an auditorium when you have to keep a minimum of six feet between each attendee, and can only allow X number of people inside the facility at a time? How many services are you planning for your first Sunday back? What will you do if singing is not permissible – because singing is one of the ways that transmits the virus.


7. How will public washrooms be controlled to ensure physical distancing?


8. How will children gather and nurseries function? Will your children’s workers wear masks? Will you offer a mother’s room?


9. How will you serve communion, and pray for people? How will you baptize believers? How will you conduct baby dedications, weddings an funerals?


10. Who will sanitize horizontal surfaces and high traffic areas between same-day services?


When you settle on your answers please share them. Collaboration is the way forward.


Bob Jones

Bob Jones is the founder of REVwords.com, an author, blogger, and coach with 39 years of pastoral experience. You can connect with Bob here.


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Return Stronger