Return Stronger
The challenges we are all facing are embedded with great and heightened degrees of complexity. Physical distancing, virtual worship, service production, online small groups, phone trees, working from home, schooling at home, screen time, giving streams, Zoom meetings and Zoom bombings.
One of the definitions of crisis is “a stage in a sequence of events at which the trend of all future events, especially for better or for worse, is determined; turning point.” In a crisis every action and decision we make shapes our future.
You are determined to come out the other side stronger than you were before. But you’re not sure of your next steps. Make simplicity your guide.
Everything we thought we knew about what our specific roles are, what unmet needs are, and how our plans were going to work, has changed. Two powerful questions to drive action are:
“How can I best follow Jesus?” History shows the disciples’ first choice after the resurrection was to go fishing – to return to what they had always done. Jesus says, “Follow me.” The Holy Spirit will guide you into the new.
“What do our staff and congregation really need, right now?” You’ll want to get into conversation with your people, not in your head with your postulations, about what they need.
The crisis we are facing will go through three distinct phases. The third phase will be the new world that will emerge from the first two.
The first phase is “isolation”. This is the moment most of the world is currently in.
The second is “the interim.” This will be the period of 6 – 18 months where churches will begin to reopen, but operating models will need to be different because we are still attempting to slow the spread of the virus. Use isolation to get ready for the interim.
No one pastor, church, or denomination has a silver bullet for solving for what is happening. And more importantly, ensuring we take what’s occurring to create something better, more inclusive, and more kingdom effective once this crisis has passed.
The next move of God could be the first crowd-sourced revival in history.
Bob Jones is the founder of, an author, blogger, and coach with 39 years of pastoral experience. Bob is also an Advance Coach with the ABNWT Resource Centre. You can connect with Bob here.