8 Things To Do In Your Church Building While It is Empty

Currently, most of our church buildings are emptier than they’ve ever been. This is a great opportunity to get some things done before people return. 


1.     De-clutter every room. Throw things out that you haven’t used since December. Clean up the stage of those plastic plants. Remove the bulletin boards. Go through every room in your church and remove everything that creates clutter. 

2.     Deep clean every thing. Go through what’s left and thoroughly clean every surface, every item, every doorknob, every railing, every piece of furniture, every base board and every corner.  Don’t forget the ceiling and light fixtures. The church should look notably cleaner when people return.  

3.     Paint. The cheapest and easiest thing to do to freshen up a space is to paint it. Go room by room and freshen up your space with a fresh coat of paint. 

4.     Replace the ceiling tiles. Moldy or stained ceiling tiles can tend to stay around for a long time. Look up and make a change. 

5.     Sanitize your microphones and clean out old technology. Churches tend to have a storage room full of old technology from years gone by.  It’s time to get rid of all of it. It’s also time to sanitize the heads of your microphones. There’s a 99% chance it hasn’t been done since you purchased them. 

6.     Renovate your bathrooms, kitchen and kids space (in that order). If you have finances and opportunity, look at your bathrooms, kitchen and kids space and renovate them if possible. New flooring, new cabinets, new toilets/sinks, new lighting features. Any way that you can freshen up these spaces would be good as people will be looking at these areas to be clean and tidy when they return. 

7.     Replace light bulbs.  It’s easy yet it’s something that we often fail to do. How many Pentecostals does it take to change a light bulb? Ten. One to change the bulb and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness. 

8.     Look at purchasing additional hand sanitizing stations. You’ll need to make every effort to show the public that you are maintaining a high level of vigilance for peoples’ health. Whenever they allow us to gather again, it’s going to look different than it did in February.  


What projects are you taking on in your church building during this time?