Turning Viewers Into Members

Online church has seen church viewership increase over the past month. This is good new for many but how will we turn viewers into members? We want people to be a part of a life giving church community and to grow with other believers to become more like Jesus. How are facilitating that transition for people who are just “checking us out online”? Here are 4 ways to turn viewers into members.


1.     Always provide a next step. Create a clear and visible next step for people watching online to connect in to the church.  Have them fill out an online form. Have them comment, “next step” in the comment section. Have them join a zoom lobby experience. Throughout the course of your online service, you should be mentioning a clear and obvious next step for people to take to identify that they are new.  

2.     Follow up every connection. Every comment made, every “______ is watching with you” that you see, you need to follow up. Send a direct message. Comment back. Send an email or text within 24 hours. Let people know that you want to connect with them. To see a comprehensive follow up plan including sample scripts, click here.

3.     Have a specific group for newcomers. Start a “newcomers small group” or do a “newcomers connection time” and specifically invite people who are just checking you out to join you. Make it every week and always keep it open. You can also run an online Alpha and invite people to join you every week.  

4.     Have an open small group system. Many churches have gravitated to virtual small groups. This is great but we need to keep some groups open so that new people can connect into small groups. Find a way to connect people to small group leaders so that they can feel comfortable before they turn on their web cam.  Establish some one on one connections and be intentional about moving people into small groups that they can grow in.  


You’ve got to imagine a funnel and at the very top, you’ve got hundreds or thousands of “viewers”. How do you intentionally move them further down the funnel so they become part of a small group, part of your volunteer team and part of your church? Think step by step and provide a very clear and obvious next step all the way through.  


What are you doing to turn viewers into members?