Al Downey Al Downey

Avoiding COVID-19 Causticity

It is essential that we as Believers, and especially as Believing Leaders, not add to the increasing flow of caustic vitriol present in social media.

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Bob Jones Bob Jones

Return Stronger

In a crisis every action and decision we make shapes our future. You are determined to come out the other side stronger than you were before. But you’re not sure of your next steps. Make simplicity your guide.

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Bob Jones Bob Jones

8 Steps Pastors and Boards Need to Take Now

The COVID-19 crisis will end. Pastors and Boards need to be thinking now about returning stronger. The Lord of the Church wants to direct your steps to maximize this opportunity, leverage the potential momentum, and make a lasting impact in your community.

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Hailey Armoogan Hailey Armoogan

It's Okay To Grieve

Loss is still a loss and it’s okay to be disappointed, to lament on what wasn’t and to grieve what might have been.

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Hailey Armoogan Hailey Armoogan

3 Ways To Keep Your Team Encouraged

There’s enormous pressure on pastoral team members, support staff and key volunteers to change and adapt the way they do ministry. The ability to sustain momentum will be dependent on your team’s health; something you need to continue to cultivate.

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Bob Jones Bob Jones

How A Pandemic Can Lead To A Renewed Purpose

In these difficult days, it’s easy to drift into counting what you’ve lost but good leaders look to find what we’ve gained. And when you do, you’ll find hidden ideas, sharper focus, new growth and a renewed purpose.

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Youth Jeff Kiers Youth Jeff Kiers

3 Ways To Engage Parents as a Youth Leader

Parents can sometimes be seen as adversaries in youth ministry, but the fact is they need to be our teammates. This article explores 3 ways that you can help bring parents alongside you in your mission and vision for their children in your youth ministry during Covid-19 and beyond

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