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The Mission Was Never To Gather
And just like that, your weekly gathering has been canceled by the government. People in your church and community are practicing “social distancing” and some are in self-isolation, no longer to connect with anyone. And no matter what your church size or if you’re located in a rural or urban setting, you’re weekly physical gathering is no more.
Five Things To Do When You Can’t Physically Gather Weekly
What is church going to look like now that you can’t gather weekly? Don’t worry, we've got you covered. Remember, your main mission as a church is to “make disciples who make disciples” so that can be done in many different ways. Let’s talk practical tips to do church when you can’t have your physical weekly gathering.
How To Bring Agenda Items To Your Board
Everything that happens in a church doesn’t need to be on a Board agenda. Reserve the Board agenda for policy, purpose, vision and long-term issues and address the preferential ones with the interested parties.
Here are five principles to use when you bring appropriate items to the Board.
Newcomer Orientation – Welcome To Our Church!
Think about this …. it’s your first time ever in a meeting. There are 30 people there and you know that they know you’re new. What do I do now? When do I sit? When do I stand? Do I kneel? Am I allowed to be here? What happens when they find out I’m not one of them? All of these things are going through a newcomers mind when they come to your church. Why not orient them to what is about to happen?
How To Engage People Who Are Disengaging
Mediocre churches are made up of disengaged disciples. Energy, excellence and enthusiasm are scarce in a church made up of people who can’t remember the last time they engaged wholeheartedly.
Why Leading Yourself Is So Crucial But So Hard
John Maxwell teaches on “The Law of the Lid” in which he reminds leaders that every leader is the lid to their organization. No matter how much we wish it, the team will never exceed the capabilities and qualities of the leader. This means that when you see growth come to a stall, you as the leader, are probably part of the issue. However, this doesn’t mean its hopeless.
7 Absolutely Certain Ways to Grow as a Leader
Are you interested in growing as a leader, or just in getting ahead? In my job as a leadership coach, I see lots of people who want to advance. But my work is much easier--and the odds of moving ahead are much better--when the person I'm coaching wants to be coached and is focused on their own growth instead of an outcome they can't fully control. Here are seven opportunities to grow as a leader, the more closely you follow them, the better your chances of success.
How To Dream For The Future
Put God where He should be - in your dream for the future. Here are three ways you can do that.
Planning Your Preaching Series
Heading into the new year, this is a great time to think through what you’ll be preaching on for the next 12 months.
5 Ways to Create Momentum
You can feel it in the air, it’s a lack of momentum. It’s hard to put your finger on why it just feels like your church is “same ol’, same ol” and, as the leader, you’re acutely aware of it. This is normal. The church will experience lulls throughout the year. Here are 5 ways to jump-start momentum in your church.
Healing from Hurts that Run Deep
The following are five principles that I have had to incorporate into my leadership life. Hopefully they will be helpful those who read this article and are dealing with similar painful issues.
12 Days of Christmas Outreach
Here are 12 Christmas outreach activities you can do as a church. Remember to use these to build a bridge of connection with the people that you are engaging with and invite them to something next.
The Church as a Field or Force
In this age of social media, instant gratification, and excessive focus on materialism and self, the only path to contentment and eternity is the reality of abundant life through the love, acceptance, and forgiveness that can only be found in a redeeming relationship Jesus Christ.
You Measure What Matters
If you haven’t counted anything other than the offering, you can start today. This will help you determine the effectiveness of outreaches, advertising, invitational culture, and ministry effectiveness.