How Then, in 2020, Should We Live?

There is a controversy that goes on ‘ad-infinitum’ regarding the proper beginning for a decade.  Are we entering a new decade in 2020 or does a new decade begin in 2021?  This is great fodder for bar fights.  Not even astronomers can agree.  Such debates make the world go around. I won’t state my own opinion here. I want to keep my friends. And, I have more important issues to discuss.

Regardless of the decision over the proper commencement of a decade, we all agree that we are rapidly approaching a brand-new year.  We look around us to a world in chaos.  Big questions consume the headlines: Is the globe warming or is it not?  Will the United States survive the political polarization it is experiencing?  Will we be able to absorb the rising cost of living?  Is China a world threat? Can Alberta withstand the economic crisis she faces?

We then look into our vocational world, the North American evangelical arena, where there is an alarming, stealthy and steady drift towards the acceptance of a universalistic Christian message. This teaching ultimately concludes that  all people are within the ark of salvation’s safety, whilst minimizing the idea of eternal separation from God for the unrepentant. 

While I may feel powerless, with my one small voice, to affect those macro issues, I must narrow the focus of my scope towards my own heart.  I do have several personal questions that I have to answer, choices I must make, going forward into 2020.  As do you.


  1. Can I still make an appreciable difference in the sphere of influence I do have?  In a culture where my profession is viewed with indifference and even disdain, do I still believe that my small investment can pay eternal dividends?  Rather than closeting myself away from the dissonance of the world, am I able, on a person-by-person, conversational level to help calm the dissonance in individual hearts.

  2. Do I believe that the Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation and that Jesus is the only way to the Father? Do I firmly believe that there is no other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved?  Will I have the courage to hold fast to the profession of my faith, despite dissenting voices even among my peers, calling me to embrace a more convenient Gospel?

  3. Am I entering this year filled with hope, anticipation and expectation for the advancement of the Kingdom of God?  Or, have I yielded territory, in my own mind, to the voices of discouragement that rob me of those very things that should energize my life and ministry?  Will I choose to anchor my life and message to the exceeding great, positive news of the Gospel, or will I be swallowed by the enormity of the bad news surrounding me on every side?  If I can’t present an optimistic and positive attitude and proclaim a counter-cultural message of life and hope, who will? Who can?

  4. Will I step into the unknown of 2020 with a steady, confident assurance that God knows my petitions before I present them?  Do I trust Him to dispatch the answers before I call, look after my needs according to His inexhaustible riches in glory and tend to me as a mother cares for the child at her breast?  Do I believe that, though I may be discouraged from time-to-time, I will not be defeated?  Though I may be lonely at times, I will never be alone?  Though I may lack wisdom, I can accept His invitation to come and receive His wisdom liberally?


The choice in all these matters is mine alone to make. However, the fruit of my choices, will affect the destiny of many.

I am a leader . . .  So are you!   We must lead as those who will give account!


Al Downey

Al is an experienced pastor and counselor who works out of our ABNWT District Resource Centre in Edmonton as the Pastoral Care Coordinator. A pastor to the pastors, Al is a friend, mentor, and confidante to all.


How To Dream For The Future


Planning Your Preaching Series