Five Things To Do When You Can’t Physically Gather Weekly

What is church going to look like now that you can’t gather weekly?  Don’t worry, we've got you covered. Remember, your main mission as a church is to “make disciples who make disciples” so that can be done in many different ways.  Let’s talk practical tips to do church when you can’t have your physical weekly gathering. 


Gather your Database and Get Talking. 

It’s time to get your database up to date. Get every name, phone number, email, and mailing address up to date. Get people in your church to help you with this. Then, get a free email system like MailChimp to help you send weekly emails. Communication is going to be a key factor in this time.  For those that don’t have email, mail weekly letters to them.  You can also develop a “phone tree” where leaders in your church have 5-10 families that they call/text every two days to check-in, take prayer requests, and give updated information. At the end of the day, you’ll want to air on the side of over-communication than dropping off the map. 


Be a Constant Voice of Encouragement and Faith on Social Media.

If you’re not on social media, you should be. 7 out of 10 adults are on social media. You can be a voice of encouragement and faith in a time of panic and fear. Post daily. has some great scripture images you can post. Do live video devotionals, prayer requests, and testimonies. If your church has a Facebook page, think of that as the “front porch” of your church and what most people will look at who don’t go to church. Post encouraging scriptures, your live stream, and up to date information. Your church should also have a Facebook group. The group page is like your living room where you can share prayer requests, get a little more personal, and intimate. If you have Instagram, you can post regular up to date information and encouragement using insta stories.  


Get Online and Remote Giving Options and Begin to Talk About Generosity and Mission. 

If you don’t have online giving, it’s time to get that rolling. I recommend as you can get started within 24 hours and can cancel at any time with no monthly fees. There are other online options and many use Canada Helps but they do take more off the top of each donation. E-Transfer is another option for churches but you’ll need to contact your bank. Whatever you do, online giving has to be easy to use and safe. Begin to talk about generosity and “why we give” to your church members. In a time of panic and potential scarcity, the tendency is going to be withdrawing, but Jesus commands we step up and give even more. Talk about it openly. Model it. Challenge your leaders to do the same. 


Hold Church Online and Other Virtual Meet-ups.

Many churches already have online church. If that’s the case, promote it and do it well. Think of the end-user who is only able to see things from their phone/tablet or screen. Walk through lyrics, PowerPoint and interaction from the point of view of someone on their couch. Use FB live, Church online, or Youtube to live stream. For those who do not have online church set up, you can pre-record your service and then upload to FB Live or Youtube as a “Premiere” video allowing it to appear as if it went live and have all the interactive technology to go along with it.  If you’ve never live-streamed or recorded before, I suggest you start out by keeping it simple. Use your phone and do a FB Live in your living room. Invite your worship leader to sing a few songs first and then do a simple talk. The main thing here is that people can connect with your church during their regularly scheduled Sunday morning time. You can also use Google Hangouts and Zoom to do virtual bible studies and meetings if necessary.


Be a Force for Good in your Community.

The tendency is going to be to shrink back and try and keep your congregation connected. I would encourage you to be a force for good in your community. Offer to pick up groceries or medication for seniors. Offer to babysit healthcare professionals kids.  Offer to make lunches or meals for those in isolation. Write cards of thanks to the nurses and doctors in your hospital/senior’s center and drop them off with some treats. Offer a free role of Toilet Paper. When you look at dark times in human history, you can often see the church stepping up with love for their neighbors. Will this be what history sees of the church when they look back at this time?  


Remember, we don’t have anything to fear. We know that God is not surprised. We will be the church and people will see Jesus when they see us.  


Jeremiah Raible

Jeremiah works as an Effectiveness Coach with the ABNWT District of the PAOC. He is a passionate and creative leader who believes that the church is the hope of the world. He uses collaboration, innovation, and inspiration to challenge churches and their leadership to engage in the only mission Jesus ever sent his church on: making disciples.


The Mission Was Never To Gather


The Irrelevance of Family