Youth Jeremy Gifford Youth Jeremy Gifford

Why Missions?

When we organize missions trips, we give teens an opportunity to see what it feels like to put your hands to the plow. It takes them beyond the teaching component, beyond the four walls of a church and into the world, where people need Jesus.

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Youth Jeremy Gifford Youth Jeremy Gifford

10 Ways Your Students Can Serve

Rallying your students to serve others is such a great way to show them what it means to live out your faith beyond the four walls of a church. Not only that, but it’s a great way to call Gen Z to be a part of the solution that they are craving to be in the world.

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Leadership Al Downey Leadership Al Downey

Creating Healthy Team Dynamics

As Lead Pastor you are the Mover, Motivator and Monitor of the Vision. You are not the owner. If you think you own it, and act accordingly, the Vision will not develop beyond your own capacities, nor will it outlast your tenure. The strongest Vision is one that is owned by all the investors.

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Prayer Jeremiah Raible Prayer Jeremiah Raible

Praying For Souls

How are you engaging in prayer for the souls in your city? We have 4.1 million souls in the ABNWT region and we believe that God cares about every single one of them.

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Youth Jeremy Gifford Youth Jeremy Gifford

5 Steps To Developing A Student Leadership Team

We so desperately need to build a youth ministry that goes beyond ourselves. We are called to make disciples who make disciples. It can’t end with us, or with them. The day of spoon-feeding is over, now it’s time to rally your students and develop them to lead in your youth ministry. It’s time to develop Student Leaders.

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Youth Jeremy Gifford Youth Jeremy Gifford

Engaging The Next Generation

I believe your greatest potential for qualitative and quantitative growth in your youth ministry, won’t be found in your next best sermon series, or your next biggest event, or in the charisma you feel you bring or don’t bring as a leader. 

I believe a huge part of it will be found in how you are engaging the Next Generation. Are you calling them into the game to help move the puck down the ice? Or are they watching, disengaged in the stands?

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Youth Jeremy Gifford Youth Jeremy Gifford

Structuring For Success

If we want to be successful youth pastors, let’s be super intentional with one thing: raising up leaders.

Let’s build the ministry beyond us, our tenure and our personality. Let’s make disciples who actually make disciples. Let’s structure for success…

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