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If I Wrote Book on Resolutions...
Why we disappoint ourselves by breaking resolutions we make.
A Letter from A Church Visitor
What does a visitor to your church experience? See your church through their eyes.
Can A Church Live Again?
The town of Terrace Bay on the shore of Lake Superior in Ontario struggled — like many small towns — to maintain its economy and population through turbulent times. But there was hope for a bright future if the town could harness its potential and focus on adaptation. The town was revitalized, but the local Pentecostal church was still living in the past and dying in the present. Could a church live again?
Risk Management For Children's Ministry
Every church needs risk management procedures and this webinar will help you develop one.
Pastoring Amazing Churches
The search committee says, “We want to have more influence in this community for the kingdom of God. Will you come and help us?” Who could resist responding to that kind of invitation?
Inspiring Disciples Who Make Disciples
Pastor, you are a sower of ideas. When you sow seeds of possibility in the minds of disciples you can reap a crop of new disciples. Don’t keep the faith. Pass it along.
6 Outreaches To Families with Children That You Should Do
In Canada, the largest demographic population is Millennials (ages 25-35) with young children. This is an incredible opportunity for the church to reach out to families with children. Whether you’re a large or small church, you can make connections and build bridges to families with children.
Engaging Community Leaders to Reach Your Community
When do elected officials and leaders help a church reach out to its community? When you invite them to be front and centre for your initiative to spread kindness in your community. That becomes a win-win-win.
A Theology of Lonely Places
Am I getting away from the noise of life to hear from God? Jesus frequently withdrew to lonely places. So ought we.
Revitalization in Small Town Canada
Big things can happen in a small town when church leaders trust God, focus on the mission and mobilize their congregation to reach out and share the love of Jesus with their community. Watch James Tripps's story.
Vision For Healing and Hope in 2022
2021 has been an exhausting season for many. I don’t know about you but I don’t feel like I have too much gas left in the tank for 2022. It’s tough to prepare mentally for a new season when you feel the light at the end of the tunnel is growing dim.
It Starts With A Passion For Souls
For a church to grow by reaching lost people, the congregation needs to have a passion for souls to be saved. This seems obvious, but my experiences have shown me that many Christians aren’t too concerned about the eternal destiny of anyone other than themselves and their family.
Seven Low-Cost High Impact Outreaches (Fall/Winter Edition)
When we think of church outreach, we tend to think of carnivals or block parties or musicals; events that involve lots of people, lots of planning, and lots of dollars. Although there is a place for such things in a church outreach strategy, I find there is a much higher return when churches are consistently outward bound even on a smaller scale. To do this, you have to be able to organize small teams of people quickly and spend less money for a single outreach.
Christmas Outreach 2021
We're less than 60 days from Christmas. Let that one sink in. As we're heading into the holidays, here are three stories and seven ideas to inspire and help you as you're planning and preparing your Christmas outreach.
Are You Running On Empty?
This years’ Ministers Gathering is designed to be a refreshing and refuelling retreat for pastors and ministry leaders who are in need of a fresh word of encouragement. From the speakers to the themes to the schedules, this year will be focused on pouring into you and your family and caring for our souls. Our goal is for our pastors and ministry leaders to feel like they’ve had a 1-week vacation after they’ve been to Ministers Gathering.
Good Grief!
How do I handle the intensity of my grief? Al Downey, our Pastoral Care Coordinator, shares 10 points to healthy processing of grief.
The Power of Next Gen Leaders
No matter where you’re reading this from, this past year has been unlike any other. The world has changed and perspectives have shifted. Norms, standards, and daily rituals, like getting up and driving to work, are no longer common practices. The upcoming generation is facing new challenges and circumstances that even 10 years ago we wouldn’t have given a second thought.
Intentionally Developing Younger Leaders
Priority needs to be given to developing young leaders and placing them in roles and positions where they are point leaders and time given to debrief and provide guidance and support. If a leader doesn’t get experience in leading, they will not fully develop their confidence as leaders. The only way to develop confidence is to do it. This is why senior leaders must place leadership development as a priority.