Are You Running On Empty?

Are You Running On Empty? Come to Ministers Gathering. 

In the past two years, pastors and ministry leaders have faced incredible stresses in their personal and ministry lives. Of course, we know that ministry is tough work and requires resilience, but many pastors have felt stress, pressure, and disappointment in unparalleled ways. This leaves many leaders feeling as if they don’t have what they need to continue. Many of our pastors are running on empty.   

Does this sound like you? Read on. 

Taking these past 18 months into consideration, this years’ Ministers Gathering is designed to be a refreshing and refuelling retreat for pastors and ministry leaders who are in need of a fresh word of encouragement. From the speakers, to the themes, to the schedules, this year will be focused on pouring into you and your family and caring for our souls. Our goal is for our pastors and ministry leaders to feel like they’ve had a 1-week vacation after they’ve been to Ministers Gathering.  

Reconnect with ministry colleagues and be encouraged. 

There will be lots of time for you to reconnect with and encourage your friends and colleagues in ministry. We will create intentional moments for you to meet new friends and feel connected to a greater team. Ministry is very tough when you feel alone, but the ABNWT tribe is a strong, loving, and connected group of ministers across our region that love and care for one another. We believe that we should be mutually encouraging and building one another up. 

We want pastors’ Kids to be excited that their parents are in ministry. 

We are working hard to create environments where pastors’ kids feel like their parents have the coolest job in the world. This isn’t always the case for pastors’ kids, so we’re hoping you can bring your family and enjoy the time together. We’ll be easing back the schedule and providing family activities as well as a super-awesome PK party for your kids to enjoy themselves and make friends.   

Coming back to our calling and Christian pattern. 

What do you do when you’re running on empty? You need to come back to your “why”. The calling that God laid on your heart years ago still rings true today, in spite of your current realities. In fact, God knew that all of this was going to happen and He chose you to be exactly where you are when all of this occurred. We’re going to create moments and reminders for you to come back to the place of calling and abide in Christ to receive the strength that comes from the Holy Spirit. When we are weak, He is strong.  

Prepare to join us in Banff, February 7-10.  If you need assistance to get there, connect with Pastor Corey and we will make it as accessible as possible. We want you there. We know it will be a refreshing and refilling time for you.  


Jeremiah Raible

Jeremiah works as an Effectiveness Coach with the ABNWT District of the PAOC. He is a passionate and creative leader who believes that the church is the hope of the world. He uses collaboration, innovation, and inspiration to challenge churches and their leadership to engage in the only mission Jesus ever sent his church on: making disciples.


Christmas Outreach 2021


Good Grief!