First Impressions

5 Reasons Why You Must Be At The National Church Vitalization Summit 2020

5 Reasons Why You Must Be At The National Church Vitalization Summit 2020

It’s happening September 1, 2 and 3. It’s all online and it’s FREE. Canadian national leaders who are passionate about churches and denominations going from plateaued to thriving in Canada are gathering to deep dive into revitalizing churches in Canada.

The Connection Funnel

The Connection Funnel

The average person has no idea what next steps to take to connect into this congregation and what the destination (being a part of the church) might look like. It’s up to us as leaders to create clear and obvious next steps for them.

A Surprising Church Growth Tool

A Surprising Church Growth Tool

I’ve asked a similar question to pastors who have seen their ministries and churches grow over the years … “what is one reason you can think of as to why your ministry grew?” Their answer shocked me.

7 Realizations The Pandemic Gave the Church

7 Realizations The Pandemic Gave the Church

It’s never fun to realize that there were things that you thought were working, actually weren’t working. The recent pandemic exposed weaknesses and brought out realizations amongst churches and church leaders all over the world.

Newcomer Orientation – Welcome To Our Church!  

Newcomer Orientation – Welcome To Our Church!  

Think about this …. it’s your first time ever in a meeting.  There are 30 people there and you know that they know you’re new.  What do I do now?  When do I sit?  When do I stand?  Do I kneel?  Am I allowed to be here?  What happens when they find out I’m not one of them?  All of these things are going through a newcomers mind when they come to your church.  Why not orient them to what is about to happen?