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A Surprising Church Growth Tool
I’ve asked a similar question to pastors who have seen their ministries and churches grow over the years … “what is one reason you can think of as to why your ministry grew?” Their answer shocked me.
Standing In My Own Way
If you want to your organization to grow, you have to grow as a leader. The kicker is that the law of the lid eventually applies to every leader. Every leader will become the lid to their own organization.
Your Church Has A Reputation
We don’t want to create any barriers for people to come to Jesus Christ and we want to do our best to be a church that is in the community and for the community.
Hope and Help For The Hardiest of Pastors
The task of gearing up onsite services while maintaining high quality online experiences, in a season when most leaders and churches gear down, makes the summer of 2020 one of the most stress-filled times of the century for pastors.
5 Sizzling Reads For Pastors in the Summer of 2020
What better way to spend the rare, rainy summer day than with one of the following five page turners. Read at the risk of a greater love for God and neighbour.
9 Ways To Develop Leaders In Your Church
The question becomes, “if I have to leave forever in 4 weeks, who in this church/ministry will take over the leadership?” Whether you know the answer to that or not, here are 9 ways you can begin to develop leaders in your church starting today.
15 Ways You Can Be Hope For Your City
The church has an amazing opportunity to be a voice of hope in the midst despair. A voice of peace in the midst of chaos. A voice of credible faith in the midst of fear. However, you need to get outside of your church and actually speak to your city.
7 Realizations The Pandemic Gave the Church
It’s never fun to realize that there were things that you thought were working, actually weren’t working. The recent pandemic exposed weaknesses and brought out realizations amongst churches and church leaders all over the world.
Uncertainty - What Do I Do Now?
Phase Four of the COVID-19 crisis is bringing extreme pressure to bear on Pastors. What do I do when I don't know what to do?
Why Requiring a Mask at Church is Loving
Here's an opportunity to lead with love. In requiring a mask for everyone attending church, we are being asked to do something for the sake of others.
Returning Stronger Around Justice and Righteousness
In light of the worldwide calls for racial justice, how could Alberta churches function as the light?
Let's Get Phygital
It’s a term that has been used to describe the “new normal” for almost every facet of society moving out of the pandemic of 2020.
How Your Church can Champion Local Economy Recovery
How your church can champion local business and create a surge of economic recovery.
Why Belonging Will Make or Break Your Church
Belong, believe, become are three popular words that summarize a value system and a process of discipleship. Perhaps your church makes use of them in a slogan or value statement. The words and their order are important but not nearly as important as getting belonging right.
Responding to Disequilibria
In the face of COVID 19, the ambiguous and disparate information about re-gathering congregations, Pastors are facing extreme pressure. Darrell addresses this issue in this blog.
Managing Your Leadership Capacity
Fear or faith determine our path through crisis. Our leadership effectiveness will be determined by which one predominates in our life.