Why Requiring a Mask at Church is Loving

This is a key moment for ABNWT churches to become a positive example of how to re-gather safely.  Our challenge is to work through the health and safety guidelines and provide a life-giving ministry experience for our communities. One of the guidelines affecting churches is wearing a mask. 


AHS guidelines use the term “encourage” when it comes to wearing a mask at church. Here’s where leaders can lead.  


In requiring a mask for everyone attending church, we are being asked to do something for the sake of others. 


All For One

Requiring everyone over the age of 12 to wear a mask to attend your church (and providing masks for those who did not remember to bring one) removes subjectivity, preference, debate or division for each one. 


When pastors wear a mask in the foyer we can set the example for our volunteers, congregation and community.


Everyone wearing a mask is a requirement that can be easily loosened but not one that can be readily tightened. 


Requiring masks is clear to communicate. Those who choose not to attend because of this requirement still have the option to attend on a subsequent Sunday or wait until masks are no longer required.


Masks Primarily Protect Others From Us

It doesn’t matter what you believe about wearing masks — it matters what those around you believe about wearing masks. 


Dr. Susan Biali Haas, writing for Psychology Today says, “Wearing a mask is a breathtakingly simple - and powerful - act of love.” 


Leading The Way With Care

Albertan churches are leading the nation with the least restrictions on religious gatherings.  The rest of the nation will be pointing to Alberta citing either a positive or negative example.  The PAOC ABNWT church leaders can lead the way in safety, experience, and quality. 


Let it not be said of us that we ignored the guidelines and were the epicentre of an outbreak because we were careless.


Free Non-Medical Masks for Places of Worship

You can requests masks from the government until June 19.  Requests will be reviewed and masks will go out June 21.


This one-time program will ensure that every place of worship that makes a request for masks will receive them and it is not based on a first come, first served basis. 


Masks for Places of Worship Question and Answer Document 


Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines – Provides the principles on how to hand out the masks individually.


Bob Jones

Bob Jones is the founder of REVwords.com, an author, blogger, and coach with 39 years of pastoral experience. You can connect with Bob here.


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