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The Living Room Experience: An Online Alternative To Church Online
The thought of doing “church online” seems completely foreign to many of us. First, don’t copy the other churches that do church online. If you’ve never done church online before, try this idea. I call it, “The Living Room Experience”. It’s a low cost, intimate, and connected alternative for your next online church service.
Together, Apart: An Online Communion Experience
Our faith is bigger than our facilities. One thing we’ve gleaned during the COVID-19 crisis is people will find a way to connect. Physical distancing doesn’t mean social isolation. And that includes sacramental celebrations like communion.
For many congregations, the last Sunday of the month is a time for Communion. Don’t let isolation prohibit your celebration.
Back In The Fight: 3 Ways to Reach Unchurched People During COVID-19
There is no time to waste and even in the chaos, the gospel must move forward. Here are 3 ways you can spread the gospel and be relentlessly outward bound during this COVID-19 crisis.
How To Connect By Using Mailchimp
Whatever size church you lead, connection has never been easier or more important. The great thing about communicating is you don’t need to monkey around with an easy way to connect. Mailchimp takes care of that for you.
Self Care in the Middle of Sheep Care
May I encourage you, Pastor, to understand and accept that self-care is not at all ‘selfish.’ Your effectiveness in caring for others will be in proportion to the degree you care for yourself.
During this harrying time, let me suggest a few important things to remember that are not at all selfish.
Leading And Succeeding In Crisis
Everyone is looking for guidance and direction to make the next best decision to protect themselves, their families, their staff and their communities. “What do I do next?” Practice realistic optimism.
5 Leadership Hacks To Get You Through This Crisis
Dr. Cooper’s 5 Leadership Prescriptions For Pastors
Leading Through Crisis: Keep Calm
How do you respond to all the needs that are arising in the mists of the chaos? This blog give you a few thoughts that I trust will help and encourage you in the days ahead.
Starting A Phone Tree
Community connection in a crisis is crucial, especially for communities of faith. Most, if not all Canadian churches, will be finding ways to host online services, immediately. Never before has connection been so available to so many. How providential. Here is one way to branch out connection for everyone in your congregation.
5 Tips For Serving Your Community During the Crisis
As pastors, if we can mobilize our people and not allow them to be frozen by fear. We could come out the other side (and there is going to be another side) stronger and more effective than ever.
Here are 5 ways you can impact your community during the COVID-19 crisis.
Youth Isn't Cancelled
We are faced with a challenge at the moment with the COVID-19 virus for sure. You cannot meet and probably should not meet in person. But the fact is we are facing a real opportunity to leverage tools that maybe we have hardly considered to this point. So while you cannot plan a event as normal, your church continues on. We have always been more than a gathering. Here are 3 practical tools you can use to keep the ministry thriving as well as ever during this pandemic and social distancing.
The Mission Was Never To Gather
And just like that, your weekly gathering has been canceled by the government. People in your church and community are practicing “social distancing” and some are in self-isolation, no longer to connect with anyone. And no matter what your church size or if you’re located in a rural or urban setting, you’re weekly physical gathering is no more.
Five Things To Do When You Can’t Physically Gather Weekly
What is church going to look like now that you can’t gather weekly? Don’t worry, we've got you covered. Remember, your main mission as a church is to “make disciples who make disciples” so that can be done in many different ways. Let’s talk practical tips to do church when you can’t have your physical weekly gathering.
How To Bring Agenda Items To Your Board
Everything that happens in a church doesn’t need to be on a Board agenda. Reserve the Board agenda for policy, purpose, vision and long-term issues and address the preferential ones with the interested parties.
Here are five principles to use when you bring appropriate items to the Board.
Newcomer Orientation – Welcome To Our Church!
Think about this …. it’s your first time ever in a meeting. There are 30 people there and you know that they know you’re new. What do I do now? When do I sit? When do I stand? Do I kneel? Am I allowed to be here? What happens when they find out I’m not one of them? All of these things are going through a newcomers mind when they come to your church. Why not orient them to what is about to happen?
How To Engage People Who Are Disengaging
Mediocre churches are made up of disengaged disciples. Energy, excellence and enthusiasm are scarce in a church made up of people who can’t remember the last time they engaged wholeheartedly.