Back In The Fight: 3 Ways to Reach Unchurched People During COVID-19

We as Christians have always been called to be relentlessly outward bound. Our purpose and mission has been, and always will be the great commission. (Matthew 28:19-20)


We recently got smacked in the face. The world rapidly and viciously stopped as we know it. COVID-19 shut off our lifestyle, took away some of our employment, and a lot of our hope for the future. We had no time to prepare. We got sucker punched. But just as a boxer gets knocked down and has to get back up to continue the fight we must too. A boxer cannot just cower on the ropes after a knockdown or that boxer will be knocked out for good. He or she has to keep punching, moving forward. And so does the Church. It is more than acceptable for us to take some time to catch our bearings.


 But we can’t stay here.


There is no time to waste and even in the chaos, the gospel must move forward. Here are 3 ways you can spread the gospel and be relentlessly outward bound during this COVID-19 crisis.


1.     Serve Your Community

Last week I wrote a blog on 5 ways you can serve your community in this crisis. This still stands as a great way to share the gospel. If we can act as Jesus’ hands and feet and bring food to the locked-in and promote local business in our community all in the name of Jesus that is going to go a long way both long and short term in gospel reach. It obviously will also be a significant help to your neighbors and extended community as well. 


2.    Press Share

Almost every church in our district is now online I have seen many great messages from amazing pastors on keeping hope and finding it in Jesus during this time of uncertainty and anxiety. That’s great for us Christians, but there is a world living in fear, who for the first time cant find immediate hope in technology or science. Their world is upside down and this is a chance to introduce them to Jesus. It may be a bit of a step of faith, but to encourage your people to send the link of your message to an unchurched friend or family member could change eternities. Everybody is on Facebook spreading fear right now, spreading negativity. If we can get our people to share something positive to watch with a scared society with nothing else to do, our services will become so much more than just hope for Christians. 


3.    Heart to Hearts

This is a lost art, but I am finding I am having more open conversations with people. I can’t remember a time where my 30-year-old friend who isn’t a Christian was sharing his anxiety and feelings of fear for the future with me. I was able to pass on scriptures of what to do during worry, undeniable wisdom for the current chaotic world that was received with a genuine “thank you”. The conversation may go further and I hope it does. Maybe you will ask if you can pray for that person or just let them know you are. Even if for the time being all your friend walks away with is an understanding that what Jesus teaches made their life better, that’s a great start and I believe will lead to much more down the line.

The mission is not dependant on our circumstances. We push forward, we find the grit deep down and even though it isn’t comfortable we find a way to get it done. We are the church, we support each other, we support our community, but most importantly we are relentlessly outward bound in reaching a scared and lost world for Jesus. You have been knocked down but now you are back on your feet. Its time to get back in the fight.