Outreach, Serving Your Community, Children Jeremiah Raible Outreach, Serving Your Community, Children Jeremiah Raible

7 Simple Ways to Reach Out to Families with Children

How can you reach more families with young children? Many churches struggle with this question as they find that they are an older congregation or they think they don’t have the volunteer capacity to reach out to families. Here are some simple ways you can reach families with young children that won’t cost you a lot of money and utilize a lot of volunteers.

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Leadership, Evangelism, Outreach Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Evangelism, Outreach Jeremiah Raible

Being A Solution Provider In Your Community

Are you a solution provider in your community? Churches often see themselves as "providers of religious goods and services" in the place where they are located. They relegate themselves to society's "faith and religion" aspects and do their best to stay in their lane. However, the Church of Jesus Christ is called to make an impact on the world it is a part of.

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Leadership Bob Jones Leadership Bob Jones

Onboarding Your Next Board/Council Members

What is one thing I can do to help our church board/council serve with excellence? Soon, you will be going through the nomination/selection process for new board/council members before your Annual General Meeting. Interviewing candidates is a priority task. There are steps you can take today to help yourself, new members, and the function of your Board thrive tomorrow.

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Retirement Bob Jones Retirement Bob Jones

Begin With The End in Mind

Have you thought about retirement? It’s been said that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today. The same is true of retirement planning. Whether you are 34 or 64, the steps you take today to prepare for tomorrow will serve you well.

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Caring For Your Church, Christmas Bob Jones Caring For Your Church, Christmas Bob Jones

Helping Families Mezuzah the Christmas Season

What are some practical and fun things people in our congregation do to focus on the sacred aspects of Christmas? An influential pastoral role at Christmas is helping families pay attention to the sacred, spiritual dimension of the holidays. Leonard Sweet’s book, Dance the Soul Salsa, calls on people to mezuzah their lives, meaning to make mundane moments sacred.

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6 Elements of A Year-End Giving Email to Your Church

What is the best action I can take to increase giving before the end of the year? The last 31 days of the year are usually prime time for generosity. In fact, 30% of charitable giving is done in December. Individuals and business owners are looking for ways to use their discretionary resources—one way to make the ask.

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