Why Are They Not Coming Back is the Wrong Question

Have you ever asked why aren't people coming back to your church? I know this seems a little opposite of how we typically view church; come here, and we’ll fill you up for the week. But, I would say we have an opportunity here to reframe what church looks like in this season and meet people where they’re at. The gospel never changes, but our methods can change constantly.

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5 Characteristics of a Vitalized Church

What does a vitalized church in Canada actually look like? The reality is every church is on a trajectory and we can’t look at an individual month or year, but we need to look at the overall trends and characteristics of a church that is vitalized. Let’s look at 5 characteristics of a vitalized church.

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12 Ways To Be A Welcoming Church

Our Canadian churches have the greatest opportunity to reverse the trend of decreasing Christian influence in Canada. It works when we obey Christ and shed off everything else. We invite you to join us at the Church Vitalization Summit on August 29 and 30 for two 90-minute virtual sessions on reversing the trend in Canada.

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Soul Care, Worship Al Downey Soul Care, Worship Al Downey

Come and Worship

Why does it seem that I am unable to break through to a place of worship? What is preventing us from actively worshipping when we are assembled with other believers? Here are some thoughts from Al Downey’s logbook.

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