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Yes, We Are Better Together
Where can small church pastors find mentoring and support in the ABNWT? Merril Radford, a pastor in our District says, “My ABNWT cohort was a key launching pad... This led to a Discovery process with mentoring by an effectiveness coach and other cohort opportunities where we encourage and inspire each other in ministry.”
What It Means to Be a Part of The PAOC Family?
For James Clarence, being a part of the PAOC family is to be a part of great potential – the potential to see the Lord move in a fresh and new way.
The Shepherd’s Heart Can Be the Pastor’s Greatest Weakness
What do I need to address and avoid in my leadership life? Here are six pitfalls of pastoring that almost always end in some type of derailment.
Young Leaders Accelerator 1.0
What happens when young leaders grow together? As year one of ABNWT's Young Leaders Accelerator draws to a close, we take a look a some of the things we are learning.
Two Things Only A Pastor Can Do To Grow a Healthy Church
What is one thing I can do to be a better leader? Churches that see healthy growth have people who are pursuing God and getting a fresh sense of God’s passion for the lost every week. There are many things a congregation can do to see healthy growth but two that only a pastor can do.
Next Gen Realities
We are presently in a very new era of ministry. There is no guidebook for the age we are currently in. We must get into their fishbowl as cross-cultural missionaries and lead like Jesus, love like Jesus, and serve as Jesus would.
A Line in the Sand
What price will I be called to pay as a Christian Leader in Canada in the days ahead? The societal cost of radical faith in Canada in 2023 and beyond.
When we think of making disciples as in the Great Commission, we wonder, now what? That started me on a 3-year journey to understand how the local church and the average believer can play their part in the Great Commission, in the making of these disciples. Read more from Brad Murray, PAOC Mission Global Worker to Latin America.
The Next Biggest Sunday of The Year
Did you know that the next biggest Sunday of the year is similar to Easter Sunday? Here are some great Mother’s Day ideas for the second biggest Sunday of the Year. People who don’t usually attend church might come on this Sunday too.
Belong, Grow, Serve Together
What does it mean to belong, grow and serve together in a team? It's been said that "if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." If we intend to do all God has called us to, we cannot do it alone. We must work together.
The Acts 2 Journey
How do I create a healthy, biblical church that is growing in discipleship and maturity? Searching for ways to lead in the power of the Spirit? Eager to pass on the faith to the next generations? Look more like your neighbourhood? Reach your full kingdom potential? The Acts 2 Journey is for you.
The Indestructible Word of God
Why should I preach directly from the Word of God? This Book is indestructible! It will survive every attempt to destroy it, modify it, nullify it, weaken, or ban it.
19 Ideas For An Easter Chain Reaction
What are some practical ways to invite in more guests and for them to have an awesome experience at Easter? Imagine starting an Easter chain reaction. See lives transformed. Entire families coming to know Jesus. Building relationships with guests. All because you designed your Easter service to be about more than Easter.
One Small Way to Create A Bigger Impact at Easter
How can our church have a bigger impact at Easter with fewer volunteers? In 2023 you resolved to reach people in your community with the life-changing message of Jesus. What better time than Easter to host a community outreach? The best day to begin planning for Easter is today.
Voluntary Does Not Mean Optional
We call ourselves a "Voluntary Cooperative Fellowship," but does that mean cooperation and fellowship are just optional suggestions? Or perhaps "Voluntary" means something else.
Ministers Gathering 23 Highlights
Were you able to join us at Ministers Gathering 2023? Over 500 ministers and their families joined us for a time of connection, renewal and equipping at the Banff Park Lodge in Banff, Alberta. This is a valuable family connection time and helps us support and encourage one another as we endeavour to reach the 4.1 million souls in our region.
4 Fantastic Outreaches To Do In the Spring
Ready to think about spring outreaches? Here are four fantastic outreaches you can do this spring. The sky is brightening. The air is warming. The snow is melting – well, not quite yet. But spring is coming, and this is a great opportunity to reach your community in the coming months. Your church can make a difference in your community by meeting the needs of your community. Building bridges of relationship and connection to the people who are not yet a part of your church but will be one day.
Top 5 Ways to Be an Awesome Canada Student Summer Jobs Employer
How can I make the most of student summer job placements and intentionally develop younger leaders? A great summer job at your church can alter a student’s life trajectory, faith walk, and aspirations.