Bob Jones Bob Jones

The Church Unmasked

Before COVID, churches were safely hidden behind a mask of traditionalism and irrelevance. Masks allowed too many dreams to be squashed, passions to be quenched, and visions to be shutdown. Now, all masks, except ones for AHS, are off.

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Jeremiah Raible Jeremiah Raible

The Spirit Of Religion Claims Another Victim

The spirit of religion is the number one thing blocking any progression of the church. The spirit of religion sinks its teeth into traditions and idolizes methods to create a god of ideology that can seem impossible to topple.

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The Connection Funnel

The average person has no idea what next steps to take to connect into this congregation and what the destination (being a part of the church) might look like. It’s up to us as leaders to create clear and obvious next steps for them.

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A Surprising Church Growth Tool

I’ve asked a similar question to pastors who have seen their ministries and churches grow over the years … “what is one reason you can think of as to why your ministry grew?” Their answer shocked me.

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15 Ways You Can Be Hope For Your City

The church has an amazing opportunity to be a voice of hope in the midst despair. A voice of peace in the midst of chaos. A voice of credible faith in the midst of fear. However, you need to get outside of your church and actually speak to your city.

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7 Realizations The Pandemic Gave the Church

It’s never fun to realize that there were things that you thought were working, actually weren’t working. The recent pandemic exposed weaknesses and brought out realizations amongst churches and church leaders all over the world.

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